Monday, May 15, 2023


 More torrential rains today made for a pretty slow store.  One of my bosses redid the schedule.  That was very interesting for me, and I am pretty sure I was the most affected.  

Of note: they had me working Friday nights and then coming in early Saturday. That is gone, I still work Friday nights but I have Saturdays off.  And Sundays; unheard of in retail. Even store managers don't get that. I won't advertise the fact. 

Then they changed my 9-4 to a 10-3.  That means no lunch; I get a break but no sitting around listening to vapid game shows. That also means I can skip the paid ride to work those mornings and take a bus instead. It's light out at 7, not a problem. And I can take a bus home. 

When I do the math I actually come out $20 ahead even though I am working fewer hours. Interesting. And more opportunities for evangelism. 

One of my coworkers is difficult at best and she has just been snapping and biting at me the last couple days, treating me and talking to me like I'm some kind of stupid. I was happy to get away from her and happy to conclude I will avoid her 3 days a week now. 

And my immediate budget saw a $40 boost as well. 

Work itself was OK except for the one co worker being nasty. And there's always one I think. I found an extra $20 in my pocket so I paid for a ride home. It may rain tomorrow we will see but my PLAN is to take a bus both ways. 

The cats are good. I figured out the not-wanting-to-finish-the-food was really sick of their old food bowl so I put another one down and they are happy with it. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

I have a part time job at McD. Your availability is your availability, I can't imagine them just changing a schedule without talking to you.

Heather Knits said...

Well when I applied I think I said 8 AM to about 9 PM most nights (later Thursday and Friday). Generally I am OK with this and OK with the schedule actually. I am going to save a lot of money not paying for those rides.

Heather Knits said...

Also the work app notified me the schedule had been changed.