Saturday, May 13, 2023

Some other facts about today

  There has been a driver for a while who has refused everything I offered claiming diabetes, but when he had a snack at the end of the line he was eating Sunchips.  I got him to agree he would take a "gift" from me (we all know my gifts have at least a Scripture booklet!) if I got him some thing "Like one of those meat pouches" 

Well I bought the pouch of cooked meat from the store and have had it at the ready every Saturday.  I had it with me today (I had gotten it in a quart ziplock with a wrapped spork, a Bible Promise Book, and a New Testament with a tract in it "Plenty of Time" I believe).  So when he pulled up I said "Aha!  Gotcha!  And gave it to him.  And, most important, he took it. 

Both Biscuit and Spotty had been exceptionally cute (Cleo is my sleep-with-me cat) this morning, getting in my lap,but I was firm. I was glad I had been so I could catch him.  I don't think I will have Saturdays off for a long while to come. And the schedules will change for the drivers in a month,so today was likely the last time I will ever see this man. I was glad I left him "set up".  

I also had a sweet older Black lady come up to me at the grocery store and ask me where I got the Bibles as she has a ministry to the homeless.  I gave her my suppliers.  She was very sweet and kind, she has a beautiful heart.  I was glad she saw the sign on the cart. I gave her a New Testament and a Bible promise book to give her an idea what's out there. 

And Lifeway and Church Source can definitely hook her up.  She wanted cases of Bibles and I assured her both had them.  

The JW's were at the bus stop again and some people honked and pointed at me as they drove by. The JW's thought it was for them. I just grinned and waved back. 

And one wonderful man drove by, came back and stopped, asking "What I had" and left with a kid Bible and a whole adult Bible. He came before they did.  That's why you have to get out there early with evangelism. Early bird catches the soul. 

The store had my candy so I am good for a while now. 

That's it for now, I had a good nap with the cats (including Cleo 💜)


Anonymous said...

Please stop wasting money on bibles and candy.

Heather Knits said...

The Bibles I already had and I give out the candy at work, too.

Anonymous said...

That's all we need to know about YOU