Monday, May 1, 2023


 I slept really awful last night.  I had a hard time getting started but didn't forget anything.  

Work has been OK.  My allergies are bothering me.  That is the problem with spending hours outside and then sleeping with cats.  I am allergic to cats.

I would never wear a mask on a Handout as it requires a lot of smiling at people.  I will be OK.  

Jack wanted to buy something at the store so I offered to show him.  He was very slow pushing the cart but was also texting.  I barely had time to get my stuff put up before I had to clock in.  It didn't push me toward Jack if you get my drift.

Amazon told me my safety vest got delivered so that will be fun.  That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

No good deed goes unpunished. Seriously he can find his own stuff at walmart. Sometimes you are too helpful.

Heather Knits said...

If I had my vest on I would have done the same thing for a stranger. This is the man who feeds my cats when I'm out of town.