Sunday, May 7, 2023

I slept OK

 I only woke up one time which was nice. Maybe the exercise helped. 

I woke up with a headache around 1 so I took something and went back to sleep.  Slept with the cats that was very nice. I only slept with a sheet as I was pretty hot. I think I will wash my fleece blanket and put that away for a while. 

Allergies were better. Whatever is blooming has got to stop eventually. 

Next week we have rain forecast.  So no Bible Handout.  

I do need to do a safety thing regarding the Handouts. The boxes of Bibles have my full name and address on them. I need to remove that or black it out before I take them out.  One time, in a bad neighborhood, I mashed up my boxes and left them in a trash can at a gas station and my house was robbed about a week later. I think that's related.  

And also yesterday there were some strange men wandering around my handcart after I parked it.  I don't want one of them getting my address. So I need to either find or buy a good marker. 

I also found a sign place that will make the signs you see by the side of the road,I can carry one of those and use that. It will also be more compact and easier to carry. I think I'll have a better time doing that vs. trying to find a place that does laminating.  I'll put up a photo when I get it. 

I don't know how much I am making as I forgot to pay attention to the hours I worked. So I will just let it be a surprise. I need to get the signs for sure, pay utilities, escrow, rides, $20 on my bus card, etc.  

That's it for now.  I will wait on posting if I have more words.  

I ordered some more tracts, I will hit them with a donation on pay day. I think I got the Spanish version of "Where will you spend eternity?" I will ask a friendly Spanish speaker at work to read it for me. 

 Leaving now...or I was until I heard thunder. 


Anonymous said...

Markers won't black out your name and address you need to physically remove the label. It's not too difficult.

Plus boxes have tiny mites in them that can breed exponentially so you may want to buy 2 cheap plastic totes and uses those at the handouts and to store your bibles in. It will protect you and them better from bugs and other creepy crawlies than cardboard.

Heather Knits said...

I just plan to take the box the Bibles came in, to the bus stop. When I do that I need to eradicate address. Scratching the label with a fingernail worked pretty well today as I did bring a case with me. After I'm done the box comes home (learned that lesson, LOL) with me and goes into recycle.

Heather Knits said...

Take the box to the handout sorry I wasn't clear.