Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Later Tuesday morning

 Well I feel better after doing my Bible study.  Biscuit joined me, he was very cute, and knocked down some Bibles I had on the bed to be distributed at a future point (whole Bibles too big to carry in my bag everyday).  I have Jesus everywhere in that room it's really His room now.  I do my Bible study there, have my devotional stuff there. Then I have the candy/Bible distribution stuff in there as well (some of it, some is in the front room and some in the garage).  

Back in the 80's some churches were asking what was, back then, a radical question  "If you got arrested for being would there be enough evidence to convict you".  😂  Now there is.  

Anyway it was fun hanging out with Biscuit, I like having a cat around during God Time.  I don't pet the cat, whoever it is, we are just companionable.  

I have decided my one boss may have some questions about a job and I will frankly explain to her I do not know how to do it and request training.  She will say I had it (I didn't) but she will do it or arrange it.  That problem solved.  I want to be useful at work.  

I want to be useful in my faith as well, usable, rather.  

I plan to bring 10 New Testaments as I have had a pretty good time handing out 5 or so on the way home, so logic dictates 5 each way, maybe?  I will see.  I don't care if that bag sits next to my lunch bag in the breakroom while I am working because I don't care if someone takes one. 

That incense made me nauseous.  I need to remember not to burn that on an empty stomach. I still have 2 hours before I need to go. 

Shower time. I am a little uptight about washing my long hair every day because the front part (literally, the part in the front) just looks bad if I don't.  I can also get a jump on shaving my legs for tomorrow.  

That's done. I just need to pay the water bill, get dressed, and pack my lunch. 

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Now that you have been working for Walmart for awhile do you wish you had stopped the business with Ron sooner and found a job working for someone else? (That is if Ron did not need a caregiver like you were for his last year).

Heather Knits said...

Yes and no. On bus now more detailed reply later.

Anonymous said...

you don't have to wash all of your hair every day, just wash the front part. I do it everyone I know does it. lol

Heather Knits said...

Still have anxiety over job but a little less maybe than when self employed. I know how much money I am making at any given point which is also important.

But transit to and from has always been a hassle no matter the job.