Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thursday morning

 The house was pretty hot last night.  I have the thermostat set at about 87 but it is more accurately probably around 82.  It does come on and run when needed but I was a little warm last night so I took the quilt off the bed.  

In winter I have layers of blankets and the quilt, plus a sheet. I had stripped most of that off to just the quilt and the sheet but even that was a little warm, so I threw (advantage of living alone) the quilt on the floor and got a cotton bedspread (bought from IKEA many years ago it is handwoven a natural cotton color) and put that on the sheet instead.  But last night it got in the 60's so I got cold.  

SO (long story short) I will put the quilt back on the bed next to me not on me so I can pull it over as needed.  

God led me to check my work app and I had been logged out (have been expecting this a log in session is only good about a month). So I was able to log in at home which is easier but still not easy.  I still have trouble switching between the apps without closing them how you pull it up from the bottom of the screen, sometimes it doesn't want to do that.  But I asked Him for help, got it, and got logged in again presumably for another month now. 

I have plenty of time to get ready and it is still pretty cool out which is good as my jeans need a good run in the dryer.  They were still pretty wet.  I cleaned the lint trap, too.  

At some point I need to clean the dryer vent and I think that will help a lot.  It goes into the wall and takes a 90 degree turn,going straight up. I am guessing that bend is full of junk. 

The other day going to work it just hit me Ron is dead and then I thought "That's what he wanted".  Ever since he died in the accident and came back; he couldn't wait to die again.  He would not overtly harm himself (drinking 10-12 shots a day aside) but he kept begging me not to have him brought back when he did die. And I did tell them to stop.  

I need to figure out meals too. I got up at 7, get to work around 1.  Lunch probably around 5-6. 

Normally breakfast I do a sausage bowl, I have that.  Lunch before work last time I think I did nuts and cheese, so will probably do that with a little carrot juice (love the stuff!). Dinner I am thinking a sandwich on keto bread with some milk.

I will figure it out; I'm going to do my God Time and take a shower.  Oh I also updated my sidebar links and put links to the Bible suppliers if you ever want to hand out a few on your own.  

I plan to bring some Bibles with candy (for drivers) and some on their own (just to hand out if anyone asks) and wear my Free Bibles hat.  I am feeling unmotivated and probably require more caffeine.  

All ready to go.  I may or may not do a night time post but will probably check comments on my lunch this evening.  

That's it for now.  

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