Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The TMI post

 You don't want to read this if you're squeamish.  

So I am transitioning to menopause.  Part of that is I never know when I will get a period so I wear a menstrual cup every day. I take it out 2x a day, wash it, reinsert, take it out and boil it once a week, let it air out for a week and use another one the next week. I have done this for a couple of months with no problem, and, lately,I have had everything from nothing to a moderate flow so I'm glad I use it. 

The trick with a cup you want to just barely get it in there. Last night I apparently shoved it halfway to Kingdom Come.  This morning I could not get it out. 

The websites say get your lover to help. I don't have a lover. Get a close female friend or relative to help.I don't know anyone that well. My only other option was going to see a gynecologist. Can you imagine that phone call with the appointment setter?  

So I sat on the toilet and tried that, my usual method. Did not work. I put my foot up on the side of the tub and that did not work.  I"m getting worried now.  I try getting it out in the shower and I managed to move it "closer" but not there yet. 

Then I tried all sorts of odd positions lying down in bed and that did not work. I tried the toilet again, straining and pushing with all my might as I bent my wrist in an unnatural position trying to get the damned thing out. And I got it. 

Then I washed it out and put it back in,a lot more carefully this time. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

If it happens again and you can't get it, urgent care can retrieve it for you. No referrals needed, just pay your co-pay. Nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens.

Heather Knits said...

Well I plan to be a lot more careful about placement. LOL