Sunday, May 7, 2023

Late afternoon Sunday

 Depressed and unmotivated.  I did get the last load of laundry going as the rain seems to have passed for now.  I woke up with a headache after my nap but did take something. 

I am pleased to announce I did buy some quart ziplocks. With those, I can bag up candy with the New Testaments.  I got some tracts (found them in the orange room) to put in the New Testaments; they have a little plan of salvation in the Bibles but I like something with a little more detail. I am debating if I also need to insert a Scripture booklet in there as well...

With the housework I need to do dishes, I don't need to cook tonight as I took some meat out of the freezer, I need to make up my sandwiches. I need to sweep, I will get on that.  After I do that I need to mop. 

One of the cats brought me a grasshopper but I found it and put it outside (alive).  Of all the gifts that is probably the least objectionable.  Much better than a snake, bird, or rodent. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

"Depressed and unmotivated." I feel this everyday and like you I just keep going and trying to get things done.

Anonymous said...

Yes that's called suck it up.