Thursday, May 4, 2023

made it through a day with no Dew but going to bed early.

 3 people, on seeing me drinking water, asked if I wanted money. 😂  To buy myself a soda.  I said no.  😂😂


Anonymous said...

How did you get rid of your fleas?

Heather Knits said...

Well they were only on the cats and Biscuit mainly at that so Advantage 2 did the trick. It's been my experience I can get rid of fleas if I use a good topical on the cat, because the fleas jump off the bedding, whatever, onto the cat to feed and then are killed.

But like I said they were only on the cats as far as I can tell. You know how some people are very affected by fleas? I am not, they never bothered me but Ron had a terrible time. It's mosquitos get me.

I also went ahead and got ant and roach baits while I was at it "Kills the whole nest!" and I have DE which I will be sprinkling around this weekend in the house.