Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday night

 Corporate runs on fear to motivate managers.  So they were all freaked out today and most of them were yelling at associates, some yelling at each other (in front of me). Me?  Well, I get an employee survey every few months and I always give them a poor score on "have the tools to do my job" and that applied today as well. 

So, done, talking about work.  I brought 6 New Testaments in bags of candy and handed them all out on the way home.  THAT made me feel better.  They were quite popular.  

There was a big storm front headed our way but I just managed to beat it home.  I got my hand cart. I am going to use additional bungee cords because I have found I need them when rounding corners, etc. with a heavily laden cart.  There is nothing worse than dropping a case of Bibles.  

I am going to do my Bible study and go to bed early. That's it for now. 

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