Sunday, March 27, 2022

Well I made it

 Work was pretty busy.  I had to stay a little over but they paid me for it.  Between yesterday and today that's an extra $4 in my pocket!  

I did my shop after work.  I didn't get much as I have insane meat (sounds like a punk rock band) in my fridge and freezer.  I did get some canned meat (the pulled pork in the 12 ounce can, so good!), and some canned vegetables.  

I grew up mainly eating plain iceberg lettuce salads and canned vegetables.  So I like canned veggies.  I think fresh green beans taste funny.  Anyway I love mixed vegetables but I don't like potatoes in them, or celery.  Walmart carries one variety "Mixed Vegetable Medley" that I hated because it has both.  But they had a "Mixed Vegetables" and I looked at the label, exactly what I wanted, corn, green beans, carrots, lima beans, and peas.  And nothing I didn't want.  I got some.  That will be great.  I just need to figure out where I'm going to put it.  

I didn't get much else, I did get a pint of ice cream for my dinner.  Tonight I plan to relax and then work on the cooking, cleaning, etc. tomorrow.  I will likely see my aunt Tuesday.  

And there's Baby Girl on the couch next to me.  She is not one of those get on me in bed, get in my lap, rub against me in any way type cats but she always meets me at the door and is always near me when I'm on the computer.  I find it endearing.  But if you're looking for another Torbie (always in my lap) she's not it.  

But that's fine.  I always let my cats be themselves.  I love them for who they are.  The only real problem I had was Mr Gray.  AKA Turtle.  He was a very timid cat except at night, when he would mount my foot and make sweet, sweet, love to the blanket every night.  That's about the only behavior I couldn't tolerate.  Mainly because it was so constant.  We had a female cat come our way who went into heat and he was in Heaven.  It was a XXX cat porno special they had sex everywhere in the house, on my pillow, by the toilet, the kitchen table.  It was funny the first time or two but it took a couple days to get her into the vet and it got very, very, old.  We got her fixed and she began beating him up every time he approached.  He didn't handle that well.  He was also my first FLUTD cat.  

So I think she is doing as well as can be expected, losing her owner, losing her companion, I am gone a lot more for work...she's a good cat.  When it looked like I might lose the house last year she was on my short list of the cats I would take to the apartment.  The other cats are doing well too but it's Baby Girl who meets me at the door every day.  I notice that.  

So tomorrow I whack the pork roast in half and cook one half with the plantains, sweet potato, ginger, cloves, red pepper, cinnamon.  The second half does coca cola, apple cider vinegar, liquid smoke, and garlic.  

I have yet to figure out what I am doing with the chicken legs.  Maybe curry?  Soup?  BBQ in my toaster oven?  I could do a little of each I guess, I have a lot.  Two and a half pounds?  What was I thinking?  I will have to figure that out.   

At least I got the wash part of the laundry done with.  I think I am going to go to bed early tonight.  

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