Saturday, March 12, 2022


 Moderately depressed today...more so tonight.  

Work was OK.  I only have one, four hour day and then I am done for a couple of days.  I took the bus home, that was fine.  I actually got to the stop about 2 minutes before the first bus, so that meant good transfers.  

I rode with nice people today which was a pleasant change.  

Like I said, work was fine.  I bought a jar of Wowbutter before I started, they have really gone up in price and I wanted to get ahead of another price increase.  I will eat it as I like a peanut butter sandwich.  Well, fake peanut butter.  It's good stuff and easy to use, plenty of protein, and filling so checks all the boxes.  

As far as I know the weather will be OK tomorrow but then rain and cold on Monday.  Let me look.  Monday is going to be warm and rainy.  I can live with that.  So I will clean or whatever on Monday.  

Tuesday I am thinking (as my aunt is occupied) to walk up to the grocery store near my house.  If I ride the bus I have to cross a very busy street 2x.  If I do it the safe way I have to take 3 buses.  Or I can walk over a bridge.  Not crazy about walking over a bridge but I would only have to do it once.  I may do that.  Thinking about it.  I don't like bridges because it combines two of my worst fears, heights and traffic.  But I have done it before, just not since Ron died.  That may be a good thing to do.  

Just did a food inventory; basically need bread, eggs, kale.  I like the chopped ready to go kale I can put a handful in some eggs or rice.  It is an easy way to "sneak" vegetables vs preparing from the plant.  

I put my Spikrak Ikea bags in my tote so I can bag my stuff the way I like.  I don't mind ringing myself up because things get bagged the way I want.  And it is easier for my helper to take them to the house.  

Anyway that's it for now.  I have to go to bed early if I want 8 hours of sleep!  


Anonymous said...

Have you over gone over the bridge in Bridge City TX?
I can't upload my pic but you should look it up.

Heather Knits said...

Nope never been... I hate bridges.