Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wednesday afternoon

 I like heavy covers.  I always have.  And I hog the covers as Ron found out (more than one reason we slept separately).  Anyway I can hog away now.  

But I had 3 blankets, a quilt, and two top sheets on the bed.  I stripped it this morning (most of it) and washed the sheets.  Actually I had 4 blankets.  Two blankets went out in the garage and then quilt, blanket, blanket each got their own load of laundry.  It was funny on the last load.  I ran a soak cycle on it first to make sure I got all the dirt and odors.  It soaks for an hour and then drains, and it's loud when it drains, makes a very loud BANG when it does.  

So I had just taken a blanket out of the dryer.  I put it on top of the washer and as soon as I released it BANG!  Then the washer started draining!  It scared me to death and then I started laughing.  I thought I broke it.  

I got the pillow cases off all the pillows.  I have more than a few.  And taking the fitted sheet off the bed Spotty jumps up and sits smack in the middle of them.  So the bed isn't made.  But that is OK because it's only 4 PM.  

Still battling depression but it is at least a nice day.  So I'm enjoying the sun.  It should be nice for my work week (Thurs-Monday).  I just need to get some cash to pay for my rides home.  I didn't want to go to the bank today, though.  I can go before work tomorrow.  I also need to transfer the money to my "escrow" account like I mentioned.  

I am thirsty and wondering what to make.  I may make a decaf coffee that sounds good.  That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

That's a lot of blankets on your bed at one time.

Heather Knits said...

You should have seen me during the ice storm. I like some weight in my covers, not doing a weighted blanket but I do like some covers. I am down to just 2 blankets and a thin quilt, a top sheet over it all and a bottom sheet between me and the covers. The top sheet keeps the cats from getting sick on the covers.

Anonymous said...

Glad you don't have weighted blankets because cats and small dogs have been known to suffocate underneath them.

Heather Knits said...

OH they never go under the blankets. They are "top cats".