Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Torbie died

 So Torbie has been her usual self lately, sleeping with me, getting in my lap, begging for treats.  

Last night I heard a cat vomiting (not uncommon) but couldn't find it.  This morning I saw it in Ron's room.  I cleaned it up.  I was right next to the cat condo which is one "cave" on top of another.  And I saw Torbie in there, that is very unusual.  I went to pet her and she's stiff.  

Well, I did ask God to make it obvious when she died.  She had been pretty sick last year but rallied.  So I had some talks with God about that.  I didn't want to bury a live cat.  So she was stiff and her eyes are open.  Clearly gone.  

I am OK for now.  She was old when I got her.  She was probably around 17.  That is a good life for any cat.  Ron loved his buddy they were very close at the end, she took it hard when he died.  She would cry all over the house if I put up the blanket with his scent.  I am going to wrap her in that.  

I tried digging a grave, got about 2 feet down.  It is hard to dig after that...I called my vet I can do a no ashes cremation for $55, I will do that.  I don't need the ashes back.  I can plant something nice outside the window where I would have put her.  Maybe put a photo up on my memorial shelf.  I am going to have to get one of those digital frames and rotate images.  

Now I need to fill in the grave so the yard guy doesn't break a leg.  

I'm going to miss her.  


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about Torbie. Such a beautiful baby. You and Ron gave her so much love and a good life. I have no doubt in my mind that she is sitting on Ron's lap in heaven.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Torbie. She was a sweet little girl. RIP Torbie.

Anonymous said...

Awww. You gave her a good life, your cats are spoiled. :(

Anonymous said...

RIP sweet girl. I'm so sorry Heather. Yes I believe she is with Ron.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear.