Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The rest of my day

 The day Ron died I covered him with a blanket (after he was pronounced) because I didn't think it was dignified to leave him lying on the floor in his diaper.  When they took Ron they left the blanket.  Torbie was inconsolable the first night so I gave her the blanket and she was never happier than when she had her blanket.  So I wrapped her in it today, like a burrito.  She used to cry if I put it up; I figured it would make a good shroud.  

My aunt came.  I picked up Torbie (very stiff!) and put her in the trunk all wrapped up.  The vet is very cautious so I wasn't allowed in the building.  I had to call the office manager, who came out.  My aunt popped the trunk, she got Torbie.  The office manager asked if I wanted anything back (they can do things like a memorial paw print, special urn, etc.).  I said no.  Privately I thought I never did anything with all my other deceased cats so I could leave her at the vet as well.  Oh, she said, then we won't charge you.  Nice!  

As she turned the blanket fell back and we had Torbie's poor dead face looking at us.  My aunt shuddered.  "Oh, she's really dead!"  Yup, I agreed.  I tried not to look but the office manager was still talking to us.  She finished and we left.  

We went to the gas station and got a drink, then went to the eyeglass shop.  I found 2 cute frames.  They cannot do exams today but we scheduled one for next week.  I already have the frames.  All told 2 pairs of glasses with lined bifocal and transition lenses will be about $350.  That is not bad.  And these will serve me every day for years.  I am wearing glasses I got from these guys and they are very good, the transitions are nice and dark, etc.  So I feel good about investing in that.  And I need to be able to see.  

Then we went to a Goodwill in a nice neighborhood.  They had the fitting room open, I tried on 2 pairs of jeans.  One is a little tight but will work for later.  I got them both for $15.  

We went to a pet store, they did not have the special food.  They did have Glucosamine treats which I got for Baby Girl.  I know she has a bad hip.  She actually ate one so I know that will help.  

Then we did lunch.  It was good.  We went to the panderia and Foodtown.  Foodtown had really good deals on meat and I got both pork chops, and boneless skinless chicken thighs, for less than $10 with some fruit pies.  

Lastly we went to Walmart and I got some yarn, facial cleanser, more soda (I drank a lot this morning), etc.  I hope I can sleep tonight.  

I am sad missing Torbie but I am glad it was quick and merciful for her.  I wouldn't want her to suffer.  Normally when I lose a cat there is a dramatic crisis, a frantic call fora  cab, a ride to the emergency hospital, an exam where they determine they can do nothing, and then have to put the baby down.  Frosty, Bubba, Gravy.  Baby Girl the first was poisoned and that was a horrible death because they didn't have the emergency hospital back then.  So this was a lot better than that.  If there's a good way to die Torbie had it.  

So I am just trying to wrap my head around it.  It was expected because she was 17 but still a shock.  I lost all the above mentioned cats during the spring, except Baby Girl the First.  She died in July.  

But it's sad and I miss her.  I am not sorry she is in Heaven with Ron but I'm going to miss her.  


Anonymous said...

Oh Heather, I am so sorry for your loss of Torbie. You saved her from a shelter and gave her a great life. She also had the blessing of a peaceful death. I’m sitting here crying as I read this.

Heather Knits said...

I keep telling myself she is with Ron, she adored him and he was the only person for her. I think she just gave up after he died.

I am just done with loss for a while.

Anonymous said...

Heather, you are right that she is with Ron. Both you AND Ron were her people, and they are both watching over you with happiness and love. I don’t think she gave up after Ron died, I just think she was an old cat and her body gave out. She was happy with you and is now happy with Ron- she is so lucky she had one human taking care of her in this life, and one waiting for her in the next. My thoughts, sympathies and prayers are with you.

Heather Knits said...

I'm going to miss her. I had a bad scare last night I didn't see Cleo but she showed up this morning (was under my bed on her little cat bed).