Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday morning

 I slept pretty well and did not wake up in the middle of the night.  Funny because I had a lot of Diet Dew yesterday.  I would think it would make it harder to sleep.  

So I have good options for lunch: lentils with ham or chicken and rice.  I think I am going to do the chicken today as I need to eat that up pretty quick.  I am really pleased I am doing something good for myself.  

We sell bollilo rolls at work, a big bread roll from Mexico (we bake them in store I believe) for cheap, I will get one of those to eat with my lentils when it's their turn.  I can dip it in the juice.  I cooked them with a little broth left.  I was really pleased how those turned out too.  

But I do plan to phase out added wheat.  I have some bread in the fridge but it's not going anywhere.  When I eat up my lentils and chicken I have the pork roast and the drumsticks to cook.  I may make chicken soup with the drumsticks.  Some of them at any rate.  The pork roast I will cook in the crock pot.  I haven't measured but pretty sure I will have to cut it in 2.  

I have enough to eat, that's what matters.  Food Town has been reliable enough I may have Jack take me when my aunt leaves.  Or look more at work and see what work has.  But I think Foodtown has "more" meat selection.  I know I can also get to Joe V's on the bus but they don't have small packages of meat.  And sometimes you don't want 5 pounds of pork chops, you know?   Food Town has been good for that.  

And they generally have someone working the meat so I can ask for help.  One time I wanted stew meat, they took a roast back and whacked it into stew meat.  Good customer service.  

Cycle has been manageable.  I think it helps I take iron in the morning and Vitamin E at night, both are good for a fertile woman.  

Looking forward to getting my glasses, that will be fun.  

I decided to take lentils for lunch and chicken for dinner at work.  I was very pleased with the lentils.  And they were pretty easy to cook.  I am going to look for more liquid smoke at work.  It's on the salad dressing aisle.  

I spoke to Jack he will be there tonight so that's good, I have some cash in my pocket to pay him.  About the only bad thing, I had some dreams about work before I woke up and I felt like I should get paid for them!  

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