Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Well the glasses weren't cheap

 But they're very cute and I will enjoy them.  God knows I need them.  Doc said I had to go up some on the reader portion.  Eyes are very healthy which is good.  It was the first time I had the vision field test with the little wavy lines that jump around.  I didn't think I did very well at it but I did and doc said the photo of the inside of my eyes showed very healthy eyes.  So good to know.  

Then off to the thrift store.  I got 4 pairs of jeans, 3 fit me perfectly now and one will fit me later, but is an awesome shade of mauve I can wear on my days off.  Got all that for $12.  One was a new with tags Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda jean.  Glad I went to the thrift store.  

Then FoodTown.  Yes, they had lemon pies.  I got a dozen as they keep well and it's going to be a while before I make it back.  Meat: chicken drumsticks at $.69.  I got a couple pounds, it was a nice tray with some good meaty ones.  Pork Roast, I was eyeing one and my aunt picked it up, said "This is nice!" so I got it, almost 4 pounds at $.99 a pound.  I will have to cut it in half and cook each half separately as it is way too big for my crock pot.  Both had a sell by date of the 30th so I have time to cook it.  

I was pretty happy with my deals.  I spent more than I wanted on the glasses but I need to see well so I am OK with that, and certain things I need like the transitions and the bifocal, can't get out of that.  I didn't get anything luxury and only got the $10 over basic frames.  

I had fun with my aunt.  She is going to try to see me again before she moves next week.  I hope she can.  

I am set on food for a while now.  I have eggs, bacon, sausage, chicken, pork.  I don't think I will need anything for a week or so.  I should get the glasses in a week or two.  It was my experience, last time, they came a lot faster than I was told.  

I plan to take a cab to go pick them up and have him wait to take me home again.  He can run the meter while I'm in there.  It shouldn't take long.  

I need to scoop all the grease off my chicken dish from last night and see how it turned out.  Then I need to cook my lentils with ham.  Then I am done for the night...outside of washing my new clothes.  

Some time back Apparel put a bunch of exercise leggings, the slippery kind, on clearance.  I got 2 pair one in a 20 and one in a 16/18.  I wore the 20's today, they were a little tight but worked for trying on the clothes.  I was able to slide them on and off over my leggings.  So they will fit for a while and I can go back to the thrift store in them.  

But, as I lose weight (and I will especially as I phase out wheat and aspartame), I think I will just raid my box in the closet (skinny clothes) until my aunt can come take me shopping again.  She is very honest about what looks good and what does not.  I value that.  And it is not as much fun to shop on my own although I could certainly take a cab each way if it came to that.  

Biscuit came out, I was very proud of him, and after she left he asked me for a can of wet food, which he ate and promptly vomited all over the hall.  But he had fun eating it.  Probably not the best for him anyway.  

I plan to buy 2 big bags of his food from Chewy when I get paid next week.  He has plenty for now.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Cant believe your aunt is moving already. Her house sold fast.

Heather Knits said...

Oh it was a very desirable location, well maintained, lovely landscaping. I figured it would sell fast. Buyers seemed to be a little bit of a PITA with demands after inspection

They have been moving (as I did when I bought my house) some stuff now and then in smaller trips. Today all the potted plants went up to the new digs while my aunt and I ran errands. They have a new roof, carpet, paint, and window treatments on the new house. The new one looks very nice as well.

It is near 2 of her sons and they would not put their families in a rough area, so I am confident she will be safe. I just hope traffic is OK. No one in my family likes driving in Houston traffic. The only people I know who seem easy with it are the 2 guys I pay for rides.