Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Well, I got a lot done today. 

1.  Received delivery of one vanity, 36 in wide, white on white.  It looks perfect.  I checked the box before I signed for it. 

I was manic and decided to go to the Home Depot and buy some hoses for my sink.  I learned from my kitchen faucet, you need to have 2 hoses for it which don't come standard.  So I took a Uber there and got them.  I was manic and all I got besides that, a single light bulb. 

It has a daylight sensor in it, and only comes on at night.  That sounded good to me and it was only $5.  I can handle that. 

I walked a few blocks to the Walmart.  There is a problem with the light at the Walmart on 1960, a very busy street.  You know the "main street" that has virtually every store in the world?  That one.  Every town has one. 

This one has the HD and the Walmart on the same street, a few blocks apart.  But the light is not safe in front of the Walmart, the last time I went to use it, so I crossed a block before and that was fine. 

I was tickled to find purple towels, almost the exact color I am painting, at very reasonable prices.  I got 2 bath sheets, a hand towel, and a couple of wash cloths.  I also went ahead and bought the cheapest white bath towel to use as a tub mat.  Ron does not like an "in place" bath mat and has trouble tripping over them.  I got "enough" without buying out the store. 

Aside from that, and two tshirts costing a total of $9, I stuck to the list.  My big purchase was a large bag of Iams cat food.  I noticed they had a urinary formula but I believe the Royal Canin is better for Biscuit. 

I was manic enough to buy a meat pie from the hot foods case.  Normally I would never do that.  It wasn't bad but it did have onions and red peppers, I don't like either.  And it wasn't very hot.  I hope I don't get sick. 

I caught a ride home and put everything away, then tried to lay down for a nap.  Not happening and I was working on a headache, so I got up around 2.  The hemp helped enough to keep me functional. 

And my new toilet paper holder arrived.  It looks very nice and only required minimal assembly.  It is a stand, holds 2 rolls on the stand and then an arm holds the third roll up about rib level when I am sitting.  It is chrome.  I like it.  It shouldn't get in Ron's way. 

If I am still manic tomorrow (only God knows) I will do some cleaning.  I am sure it will help if I can scrub the finger marks off the wall for the painters.  My aunt mentioned something about a {cobweb] but I am pretty sure I already got the one she mentioned.  I also need to start talking to flooring guys. 

My plan for now is drywall, paint, flooring, baseboards.  Everything I have read and seen about flooring says it is a lot easier without baseboards, so I will talk to Carlos and have him come back when the floors are done. 

Ron is fighting me on organizing his room so we will have to do it later, which is OK.  At least I will know who to call and they will know I will treat them well.  And that will keep the uproar to a minimum.  I think it would be too much for both of us to do it all at once.  Not to mention the plumber said to wait a month, anyway. 

Ron and I both want to get the drywall done ASAP.  There are a lot of very nasty drafts now and the garage is chilling the entire house.  Our utility bills haven't been awful but we still need to get that closed.  He is huddled in his room under 2 blankets with the heat set over 80 degrees.  That's not acceptable. 

But we have the means to fix it and we are.  I am still debating a hotel next week.  On the one hand I think it would be a nice quiet place for Ron, on the other I think it is just more disruption.  Famous last words: how bad will it be? 

At the very least a lot of dust and noise, of that I am certain.  But it wasn't too bad when they did the tear out.  Ron was OK with that.  So we will see.  I will talk to him again. 

The cats have been precious, Cleo laid down with me earlier and is adorable.  She is letting me pet her head more, and purring now and then when I do pet her.  She is really shaping up into a nice cat.  I am sorry she got disrupted with "The Event" but she did come home.  I just hope next week doesn't freak her out too badly. 

It is going to be a lot of fun chasing everyone out of the house next week so they can do the drywall. 


Anonymous said...

You don't need a repeat of kicking everyone out of the house next week and have more missing cats. Fix the catio holes (get some chicken wire from home depot, regular gauge wire and patch for now). Keep cats in catio during drywall and then bring back inside. Most paints are low VOC now so after a few hours the cats should be OK to come back inside. Board biscuit at least. Ron will NEVER let you clean out his pigsty hoard to get flooring done. You shouldn't have bothered with a special paint color for his room since none of it will be permitted to be done.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that having a good day has to have a label "manic" and a bad day as "depressed".
You're so clinical the way you describe yourself.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you should be focusing on cleaning your house before investing in NEW towels and stuff. There is no point in buying more stuff since you were complaining about not having any money for the work that needs to be done in your house. Not to mention you need to focus on finding a safe place for your cats next week. There is no excuse to just let them roam the neighborhood. You already lost one cat doing that.

Heather Knits said...

A day not in 100% control of my brain is not a "good" one. Better mood, yes, but it's own drawbacks, wanting to spend a lot and talk a lot being the big ones this week. I did keep it reasonable and took my meds when I got home BUT I will be taking my mood stabilizers first thing every day because I don't like the accelerated feeling I have right now. You can chalk it up to years of therapy as a teen, I got pretty good at "self aware" but they couldn't see me bipolar? Anyway...

I only bought a sample for Ron's room, not a gallon. No point in buying the paint for his room if we're not ready. I may even use the leftover cream paint if I have a lot.

I didn't have thousands for repairs, no, but insurance did pay. So I can afford repairs (modest) now. I can afford $20 worth of towels (I bought an 18 pack of white washcloths for Ron bed baths while I was at it).

@ Cleaning not a lot to be done really, I will just move my "bed" into the middle of the room so they can work, if I stay at home during the work I will just sleep in the middle of the room, I don't care.

I don't know what I'm going to do with the cats to be honest. The weather will be nice so probably pay the guy who built the catio, to come patch it and them put the cats out while the guys work. I don't want someone getting walled up under the bathtub.

Anonymous said...

Please don't let the cats outside this time. I can't remember if there is a door to Ron's room if there is can't you put the cats in there and shut the door? I don't think Ron would mind. The catio will have to be fixed eventually so why don't you just do it now, and get it over with? Since nothing else is being done right now it should be number one on your to do list.

Heather Knits said...

Plan is to call Greg to come patch it. Worst case I will put them in with Ron. I won't feel bad about putting them in the cat cage because, even with the door open, they often hang out in the enclosure anyway. And the weather will be very nice, mid to upper 70's.

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I hope you call Greg soon. I was so worried about them when they were outside.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you. You should have had the catio patched by now it has been 2 months since Mama cat disappeared and since the water leak. Yet your priorities are picking out bath towels, getting a chair for your "meditation room." Nothing about the cats and making sure they are safe. Not to mention when you outfitted the garage as your workout room and spent all that money after a few months you were done with the working out so I suspect the same will happen with this meditation/god time/workout room.

Also I don't know how you breath with keeping the heat running at 85 plus degrees. It must be suffocating and could very well be the cause of some of your headaches and migraines too.

Anonymous said...

Please don't let the cats out again. Especially Biscuit.

Heather Knits said...

Biscuit's last urinary blockage cost us $600, I'm not going to let that happen again and the nice lady in the subdivision has no idea he is on a special diet. I'm going to take care of my boy.

To address the cranky comment: I have been focused on putting my house together. I was already in the linen section of Walmart getting Ron another fitted sheet when I saw the bath towels, which will match, and I did need more towels anyway.

I gave away fitness stuff I was not using, I still have the kettlebells.

I am thinking about a chair for the room, I haven't bought one. I don't have paint or flooring in that room so it's a little premature to get out the wallet. I need to buy the flooring, first, if anything.

Ron is anemic and always cold. You want oppressive you should see it here in the summer!

Anonymous said...

His refusal to treat his anemia does not mean everyone in your household needs to suffer with excessive heat.

Heather Knits said...

I"m not going to let him freeze. He is better since I had my adoptive Mom buy him an electric blanket for Christmas.

I actually prefer it a little warm. One big gripe of mine is how the drivers are always running the A/C even when it is 60 degrees out, they wear a big heavy coat in the car, run the A/C, and the passengers have to suffer because they are too lazy to put the coat on/off.