Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I shouldn't have checked the mail.


Oh, crap. 

But they have a clause on the back of the form I have used before, when Ron was in much better shape:

Is the primary caretaker of a person who is an invalid unable to care for himself or herself
Considering I just helped Ron on the toilet with some VERY personal business... I qualify. 

So I will fill out the form and send it back. 

If I were single I would be OK with serving, it is the public duty and all that, although from what I read I probably don't qualify on the "sound mind" clause.  I am open about being bipolar and a quick google will ferret that out; one reason, I think, they didn't want me when I did go for Jury Duty back in 2011 or so. 

But the timing on it is just crazy. 

I had an indepth discussion with the lady in charge of jury duty when they summoned Ron, sent her proof he was really that -ed up and she took him off the list "permanent". 

But I have to explain every time, and I am OK with that. 


Anonymous said...

Resign the vending program then.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, resign the vending program and get Ron some help.

Heather Knits said...

There is actually another vendor worse off than him, a friend of his in training, he basically got her through with a lot of tutoring. She had a massive stroke some years ago, is diabetic, etc. She requires full time care and cannot be left more than a few minutes. She is not really verbal, either, from what I saw. And they are fine as long as her machines are stocked and reports filed.

Ron at least can be left for a few hours at a time.

Anonymous said...

wel if he can be left for a few hours at a time then you can do your civil duty and go to jury duty like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Heather: “He can’t sit for more than a couple hours”.
Ron- hold my vodka *sits in kitchen drinking vodka all night *

Sure, Jan.

Anonymous said...

I suspect some of your hateful comments come from people who want you to give up your life and be as miserable as they are.

Heather Knits said...

9:23, I agree completely.

Heather Knits said...

Every time I leave him I never know what I am going to come back to. Once, on the floor in a puddle of blood. I probably shouldn't leave him at all.