Monday, February 3, 2020

Nothing is killing this headache, I'm going to bed early. 

Even my hair hurts. 


Anonymous said...

if you saw a doctor for your migraines they might actually find a solution. (and yes we know you can’t take imitrex)

Now we know the hemp garbage doesn’t work except for increasing your lung cancer risk.

Heather Knits said...

Have seen doctors off and on for 25 years. No answers. I just need to avoid pepperoni and sunflower seeds (not at the same time, but the only "different" snacks consumed) for a while. I suspect it may have been the peanut oil they use to roast the seeds.

The hemp has been very helpful on 99% of the headaches. My mother chain smoked when I was an infant/toddler so already some lung cancer risk in play.