Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday Morning

I will have to leave the house a little later, Ron begged me for eggrolls when I go to Home Depot.  

HD does not provide eggrolls, but they have a restaurant next door that opens at 12.  He was nice enough asking I will do it.  

Last night, not great.  He woke me up several times, I took advice and told him, last time, I was going to take his vodka if he woke me up again.  He was dead quiet after that.  

At one point he asked me for food.  I told him off and said he had all day to eat.  He is not diabetic.  I would do that again.  

When he got up I gave him some peanut butter crackers (packaged), he can eat those at night if he gets hungry.  He was happy to get them and apologetic about waking me up so much.  He was very decent this morning.  I also made him one of his favorite meals, corn dog with chicken nuggets.  

I was thinking today, if I seem a little rough lately  it is probably sleep deprivation.  I am not sleeping well on the cot and basically getting the minimum every night.  Hopefully that will resolve when I get my bed back.  

It is really nice to have my washer and dryer again, in a nice fresh laundry room.  I have a small tropical poster I plan to mount in there.  I think it will be cute, if it works out I will take a photo.  

About photos: after my diagnosis I had 2 months before I was able to obtain medication.  I had a lot of time to research therapies and side effects.  One thing that kept coming up: lithium causes a hand tremor.  I do a lot of things with my hands.  I told God I was OK with a tremor as long as I could do my crafts, computer, and work.  And I can.  But the tremor makes it hard to take photos some days.  Yesterday was a good example.  I have a decent camera in my cell phone but I couldn't hold it still.  Those days, I generally figure blurry is better than nothing and take it anyway.  

Some days are just bad for my hands but so far I have always been able to use the computer and work.  My fine motor wasn't always great to begin with and now it is pretty laughable.  

I remember I had a lot of evaluations as a child and teen.  They were baffled I had a very high verbal IQ but a terrible one on performance, actually using what I had.  That persists.  Now we know it is a Fetal Alcohol thing but they weren't really cognizant.  I did not get diagnosed until age 17.  They kept it a big secret and did not tell me I was disabled.  Don't be that parent.  

I did some work stuff after I got up, and then I took a shower.  My cycle decided to show up early yesterday but didn't impede me any.  Just makes me glad I do have a washer and dryer.  It reminds me of when my cycle first started at age 13, it was very unpredictable for years.  I guess this is how it ends.  

I really love my happy purple bathroom.  It is so much better with a white vanity.  I had Carlos paint the medicine cabinet as well.  It was perfectly functional, and I like it, but the dark fake wood had to go.  I told him either purple or white surprise me and he did white.  

All the other rooms are great and just feels so much lighter in here.  My aunt talked about, basically,  feeling renewed after painting, I don't really feel that but it is a lot less depressing in here.  That's a win.  I have not crashed into depression yet but I have the orange room to refresh myself when I am.  Or any of the other rooms are a lot more positive colors than beige and white.  I don't like a stark white but the cream is perfect.  

It took me over a month to find the right cream.  I went with "Thickened Cream" Behr Marquee paint in a semigloss.  The finish makes it much brighter in here.  

I had a huge mirror on the wall in the bathroom and it was moved around a lot but not damaged.  It was remounted Friday and it is nice to have it back.  

I found it useful, for instance, applying deodorant and making sure I overlap.  I end up using way more if I don't have a mirror.  Nice to have all the details lining up.  

Now I just need to get that ceiling done!  I did a really terrible job painting back in 2004.  

I did the math and I will JUST have enough to rent a dumpster when flooring is done, then I can do a big purge.  For instance, I am going to put my aunt in charge of clothes.  Anything below a size 20, 2X, or size 10 underwear goes.  I have a lot of clothes.  That will weed out a good 2/3 of it.  

Disaster stuff is likely all staying, I do need to get rid of some of it but not much.  I plan to give my aunt a bucket of supplies.  

Bibles are going on the bookcase out in the back of the garage.  I will actually be ordering some more pretty soon here to distribute to my various helpers.  

Changes: all bookcases save one are going in the garage.  I had a bunch in the front room and one in the bedroom.  Bibles are going in the garage.  Loveseats in the front room (hope I have the budget to get the slip covers).  My dresser is going in front of the small window you see in the cats on the cot photo.  I will have shorter curtains on that window and pull the blinds up a bit so cats can get up there and watch the yard.  

The nice thing about the timing on this, like after my diagnosis, I have had time to think things out so I can do it when I have movers ready and willing to place my items anywhere I want.  That is a huge blessing.  I will have a dumpster and can literally go through the items (with help) before they go in my house.  That's going to result in a lot of purging and things are going to look great.  

I had a bad habit, as most do, of buying a lot of crap when I was manic, before I got my medication right.  Now medication is right (I really believe my current issues are sleep related) I'm not bringing stuff in like I used to, I can manage it all after a good purge.  

I am not going to try to donate or sell items, it will take too much time and effort.  For instance, I am on a survivalist board.  I mentioned I had a canning thing that is worth at least $75.  They have a lot of board members in Houston.  NOT ONE wanted it.  I am not hanging on to a bunch of crap like an albatross because I don't want my internal voice yelling at me for "wasting" it.  

I don't GAF.  Goodbye!  

I may sell bookcases if I have extra, do that on Next door, but not individual items.  I am sure the trash pickers will have a field day with the dumpster and I don't care as long as they don't spread stuff all over the yard.  

I can start thinking about all this now because the end is in sight.  I was really glad I donated the "gym" equipment because it rained horribly the last couple weeks and the guys were able to use the power tools and store baseboard in the garage.  They could not have done that.  And it sounded like a good ministry.  The guys were so excited to get it Ron remarked on it several times.  I think he was a little upset I gave away his gift, but understood and was fine with it once he heard, literally, it was going where it would be valued.  

Ron is going to be really glad to get the furniture back, he keeps getting lost in the house.  He is basically living in his room as a result.  Unless he gets drunk, then he goes out, gets lost, and begs for help.  So I have to have a bookcase in one area and then a wood framed love seat in another.  

Not much going in the orange room other than my personal Bible study materials.  It already has the exercise bike which is pretty meaty.  I plan to basically have one half of the room for Bible study and prayer, the other half for working out.  Body and soul.  

Ron's room was unaffected but needs a good purge of it's own.  Ideally I can do that while we have the dumpster although I don't think it's THAT bad.  I need to change his sheets and remake it with a fresh rubber, and cloth, sheet.  But he is pretty accommodating and will get in the wheelchair while I do that, I can wash the cloth sheet and wipe down the rubber one.  

My room is finally going to look put together for a change.  As I said, worst case I will buy the curtain rods and have them mounted while I can, then save up, buy the curtains (my stepmother may buy all of them, which would be great) and I can put those up anytime.  It's going to be great.  

It is funny how God (and the insurance company) gave me just enough money to repair the damage.  I will also get the new shower curtain eventually but the one I have is, as my Dad would say, "adequate".  

That's it for now, I am going out in about an hour and a half.   

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