Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday Afternoon

I woke up with a pretty bad headache this morning and had a hemp cigarette.  I think it made me manic, I was pretty manic for several hours but did not:
1.  Call anyone or wake Ron up.
2.  Get into arguments online
3.  Spend any money. 

But it did slay the headache, almost instantly.  You can't beat that.  I did the monthly report, informed Ron of the numbers (he felt they were accurate), filed it, and made an online payment.  I put up the paint samples, I still need to make a video of that. 

I spent a lot of time online, mainly.  I took my mood stabilizers.  Then I took a nap.  (I did take a shower in there)

I slept OK for a couple of hours.  I got up.  Ron was asleep the whole time, I guess he will be up all night. 

I checked online, everything's OK.  Headache came back so I smoked the pipe this time.  That sounds so dangerous.  I put a couple hundred milligrams in the bowl and smoked some hemp.  And the headache went away instantly.  That's some good stuff, I did not get manic this time. 

Ron woke up.  I 1.  Gave him some juice, he drank a lot.  He did not want food but there are vegetables in the juice he knows nothing about.  And never will.  and 2.  Asked him about the hospital bed. 

He said:

  • I spend too much time in this bed as it is.  
  • My current bed is very comfortable.  
But I did ask.  It is his call.  

The cats are happy, Cleo slept with me for most of my nap, it is so nice to wake up to her sweet little face.  She's a good cat.  

I will never understand her, the #6 kids went out, were playing on their trampoline, and she went OUT with Spotty to investigate.  I would think she'd want to be as far from them as possible but, no, she went out.  They didn't see her, I could hear them talking and they never spotted the cats.  

I am almost out of juice so I need to make a grocery delivery order.  Ron loves that stuff.  

I will make a short video I am really happy with the paint samples I put up today.  

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