Saturday, June 15, 2019

A happy post

Torbie, on her suitcase.  She loves to scratch on nylon.  I left this down on the floor as "a hospital bag".  She took such joy in clawing it up, I gave it to her.  Recently I emptied it out but left the bag for her, and she's started using it as a bed.  Adorable.  

Biscuit scratching up my gym mats.  He really has so much fun I don't have the heart to yell at him.  And, between us, they're more of a lavender.  I wanted a deep purple anyway. 

Baby Girl on Ron.  This is their preferred position.  Normally I can't take photos because Ron removes his pants when he lays down, normally.  This day he went straight to bed with his pants on so I could get a photo when she showed up.  She really loves him. 


Anonymous said...

They are so cute! I had a cat who looked like Torbie years ago. She used to climb into the laundry basket. She almost went to the laundromat one day-- I found the little stow away peeking out from under a towel when I put the basket in the car. Cats are so funny.

Spankadoo said...

Biscuit does look good he IS slimming down on his new diet have you had him weighed recently? (I am opting to wait until I get more permanent housing before I adopt , but it WILL happen this is the longest I have been with out an adoptee!

They are all such lovely kitties . Thanks for sharing!

Heather Knits said...

He hates being weighed so I plan to wait until the vet visit.

Personally, I am very fond of the seniors. Biscuit came as a kitten and I love him but seniors are my favorite. I think they tolerate being left, better. Torbie just gets her quality petting time when I am in bed. It's very cute.