Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday evening

I made a Walmart order, a lot of protein shakes.  I even got some soy milk.  I am hoping to get Ron to taste it.  If he likes it, it would be a great additional boost for his nutrition. 

And if he doesn't like it I will drink it.  I like to mix soy milk with regular milk. 

So I took my time, made an order.  They do not have tape measures - not the cloth ones - for delivery.  I could get a regular one with the metal delivered but not a cloth one.  I may have to go to Amazon for that. 

I put on my workout clothes and did some cleaning, then took a nice 30 minute walk.  I don't get the "neighbors" who have the whole driveway, but they park the car so it is blocking the sidewalk.  It seems to be a real "F8ck you neighbors, you're not walking past MY house!"  Sidewalk is public property AND they have to provide access.  I have seen episodes of parking wars where a homeowner got a ticket for blocking the sidewalk in front of their home. 

Other than that, I had a nice walk.  It was too hot for most people but I like it warm. 

I checked the mail, got a water bill.  I found a hang tag on the door, the inspector came by today.  The insurance company hires an inspector to come by and take photos (outside only).  If they see cause for concern, they ask us to fix it.  I can understand the logic but I am a very private person.  And, to be honest, I totally forgot and left a couple of items in the side yard. 

Other than that nothing of note.  Ron is asleep.  He told me he was having a really good day and I was happy to have my default Ron, back.  I don't think he made any trips for tomorrow, which is fine, I can always go out on the bus after I get my delivery (pretty early tomorrow morning). 

Ron got up and started drinking.  Hopefully not too much.  We talked about protein shakes and he said he might try some.  That would be great if he did because he doesn't get enough protein in a day.  That feeds the anemia I am sure. 

He said he doesn't have a lot of pain pills left.  I warned him, all weekend, the script is only written for 2 a day.  He wouldn't listen.  Now he is going to have to ration what he has left.  Doc could not have been clearer in the contract, no extra medication, not if you lose it, take it, have it stolen.  What you get is what you get and you had better make it last. 

We will see how that goes.  I still need to look into the acupuncture. 

I had some electrolyte drink when I got back (sugar free) so I am not hungry yet.  When I am I have some frozen burritos in the freezer I plan to eat. 

Baby Girl has some mats in her fur.  I wonder if it may be stress related, I will have to pay closer attention.  I worked about half of them out yesterday.  I am leaving her alone today and then I will try again tomorrow.  I want her to like me and she won't if I am always picking at her.  Ron suggested just shaving her but she will look so awful if I do that, it's embarrassing. 

Not to mention we take her to the vet in about a month.  I think I can work the mats out by hand, and, if absolutely necessary, I have some grooming scissors I can use to trim out difficult ones. 

It is interesting that Baby Girl is the only one with a mat issue, the other cats are fine, and they're all shorthairs.  I will take care of her. 

So Ron is willing to try a protein shake.  I will let him have sips of the new ones as I drink them and then if he likes them I can order more. 

For now,though, I am looking at a couple of frozen, microwaved burritos for dinner.  Tomorrow he has us going out somewhere in the late afternoon.  That will be nice to have someone else fix my food. 

I feel like I need a treat after the last week. 

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