Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday morning

Another night of horrible sleep, not, I believe, due to Ron.  I am starting to point the finger at the new supplement I added, "Tart Cherry" - supposed to be good for joints and anyone who moves wants good joints.  It is supposed to help with sleep but I have some odd sort of reverse metabolism, where "downers" make me manic. 

So I switched to taking it in the morning, today, if it is the problem I fixed it. 

I dragged my butt out of bed, fed Biscuit, checked our pickup, over 2 hours away.  I went back to bed (no workout this morning) for an hour.  When I got up again Biscuit wanted second breakfast, which I gave him. 

At one point today I forgot I had left Torbie's food out and he got into it.  For some reason he just loves that senior formula.  He didn't touch Baby Girl's food.  The past has taught me a few bites won't hurt him, on occasion, as long as I am not intentionally giving it to him and snatch it up the minute I catch it.  Short version: I'm not going to kill him if he gets a bite, but I do everything to avoid it. 

I got Ron up, dressed, etc.  His foot was bothering him still.  I did get him agree to try acupuncture.  It will either work, or not.  I feel like we have to try everything that seems possible. 

And we live in a pretty heavily Asian area so a lot of options for us. 

We went to work, the machines were pretty tragic.  They still had a lot of what we had stocked, three days ago.  I was expecting much better sales.  Very discouraging, but, on the other hand, not a lot of stocking either. 

We stocked and made an inventory.  I got our delivery and stocked it.  We left and came home.  I had forgotten my cell phone but it didn't matter, except two people wanted to see cat photos.  Lucky for them they couldn't! 

We came home and I took a nap.  Ron gave me some money.  We are getting ready to go to a BBQ buffet restaurant.  Hopefully we have good trips. 

I talked to Ron, over the last couple days, about a couple of things: 1.  The importance of me getting my sleep.  2.  I think we need to go out on our days off so he doesn't just stay home and drink  and 3.  I think we should try acupuncture.   Overall good responses from Ron. 

I am hopeful about the acupuncture.  I think that could do some good for Ron, it is certainly an "energy channel" acting up with the pain in his foot (that is really back pain, referred).  It will work or not. 

If it works for Ron I might go for my headaches, although they have been much better on the herbs.  I'm just glad I figured out the Tart Cherry before I blew into a nasty mania and had to be hospitalized. 

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