Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday afternoon

It was pretty hot, over 90 degrees, and partly sunny.  I still took my walk. 

I had some energy and my mood could use it, so I went.  I managed to time it to just about a half hour. 

It was a good walk, not the best but a nice breeze helped.  I had some lemonade before I left and drank some electrolyte stuff when I got back. 

I ran into the mail lady.  I don't think she has forgiven me for the Amazon 5 shelf rack.  She was nice, though. 

I didn't see any animals but I did find an epiphyte.  They grow on trees, Spanish Moss being the most commonly known.  They are plants that look like a small aloe, with a minimal root system.  They live off moisture in the air, sun,and use their roots to hold onto tree branches.  They do not harm the tree. 

I found it in the middle of the sidewalk, I carefully moved it to the side.  I like them but I didn't want to take it home and make a pet of it.  Although the cats wouldn't bother it, dig in it's soil, or knock it down (probably).  I could have brought it home but didn't feel like it, but I did move it so it wouldn't get squashed by a jogger. 

Ron did not make any trips for tomorrow, I believe.  Nope, no trips tomorrow. 

I may get a delivery, and then go out on the bus.  I do plan to do kettlebells first thing in the morning.  I also need to take out the trash.  Those are the priorities.  I feel like going out and shopping (probably getting manic). 

But I've pretty much decided I will get a Walmart delivery first. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Good for you on the exercise! I am following your good example and headed out to go swimming in a little it here .
Much love Heather! Stay strong in body and mind.