Monday, June 3, 2019

Sunday night and Monday morning

I was pretty upset when I went to bed.  I had planned to get up at 3 (!) and work out, then shower, etc. 

8 PM and I still wasn't asleep.  I had shoved Ron into bed but he was snoring.  I was also concerned, it had been a LONG time since his last pain pill, he was going to wake up in agony and feel he "had" to drink.  I didn't want another blackout, especially as we HAD to work today. 

So I woke him up and told him to take a pain pill.  He almost seemed pleased when I told him about the late hour.  That made me pretty angry and I was not nice to him.  I didn't shout but I didn't coddle, either.  Some might say: rude. 

Not sorry. 

So he took his pill.  Called and checked the trips - not even really sorry he had been so wasted I had to make them, just nonchalant, yeah, I was that drunk and would have totally screwed us.  He was OK with the trips.  He didn't have any choice. 

Then he couldn't find his alarm clock.  [censored] drunks!  I found it because I do not want to play "Mommy" and micromanage his wakeups in addition to everything else I do.  Nope, I was done.  I finally found it nestled in his shoe.  Why, only God knows. 

Then he went in the kitchen for more vodka.  I asked him, in the strongest possible terms, to please take it easy, we had to work tomorrow.  He said he would.  I went to bed. 

A while later I got tired of tossing and turning.  I got up, found him in the kitchen, and took him to bed (he didn't have a choice but he was compliant).  He barely got into bed.  So much for taking it easy. 

The man has no regulator when it comes to alcohol, and it has just gotten worse with his head injury.  If he had his way he would lie around in bed drinking and eating snacks all day, petting Baby Girl, giving her treats, falling in the floor, and crawling to the bathroom every now and then.  He would not work, he would not have a life, his life would be entirely wrapped up in his next "sip" of vodka. 

It is very frustrating for me, as I have worked very hard to build a life for myself in spite of my problems.  He just appears to wallow. 

I did fall asleep but I didn't sleep well, and I had a headache even trying to drop off.  I am not sure if it was stress or working in the hot garage, maybe both, but something set it off.  It raged all morning after I got up, I finally had to take another dose of Excedrin which has done a pretty good job. 

I slept as late as I could, got ready, helped get Ron ready, the driver who was always late picked us up early.  He was very subdued.  You are late 99% of the time.  You think it is "funny" and make jokes about us being discommodated, constantly late, don't even try to hide you are talking on the phone when you should be picking us up, etc.  Of course we had enough and he is lucky we didn't call in sooner.  We never call in complaints on drivers.  We were nice to him and didn't say anything about last week, but I noted he was on time today. 

We got to work, the machines were still pretty full from our stock on Saturday.  I helped Ron and did what I could (a whole lot of candy bars) stock.  We got sandwiches.  We still had inventory so I put them in the fridge for later. 

I ended up having some time to sit and read my new fitness book on my Kindle.  Pretty soon it's time to go. 

Our ride was about 15 minutes late but that's not bad from work.  Not a lot of clients travel from work.  No one travels from the work area to our home base.  No one.  So they have to send a special one. 

It was a straight trip so we got home.  I opened the garage door and saw all those empty storage crates.  Ron had said I could get rid of them.  I parked him in the shade and hauled it all out to the street.  Someone will take it.  Good.  Lots more room in the garage now. 

I will work on it some more today, if I feel better, and definitely Wednesday, when it is supposed to rain.  Tomorrow will be my day to go out because it will be dry.  Hot, sunny, and dry.  But I can do that. 

We are going to Walmart later with an open ended trip.  I am HOPING to get a kettlebell (30#) while we are there, I know they sell them.  Ron has asked for some other things so hopefully he will be patient about waiting while I get them, and then take a cab to go home. 

Ron also mentioned something about shoes, he wants Velcro as the tie laces are too difficult for him these days.  I will look, but I don't think they sell those shoes anymore.  We may need to go to Academy.  He doesn't really walk but he needs shoes to cover his feet and something to stand on when he goes from chair to bed, chair to vehicle, and back.  Of course I will help make that happen. 

I am glad I am finally feeling better.  That was a miserable headache, it was more a tension I think because I didn't have one sided pain.  Maybe I should have done some stretching before I went to bed. 

That's it for now, I will let you know how Walmart went when I get back. 


Anonymous said...

So you woke him up to take a pain pill so he wouldn't feel the need to go in the kitchen and drink. He took said pain pill and then proceeded to go into the kitchen and drink. What exactly did you accomplish there? Also sounds like your workouts are starting to suffer because of Ron. I would wait on buying more equipment until you have been at it longer. Just may wind up to be a waste of money in the long run.

Heather Knits said...

He wasn't up all night screaming, and did not have a blackout. Would do it again.

I had a good workout yesterday, my legs and butt are a little stiff today so they got worked. The trick for me is having a decent workout without overdoing it. I still have to do the business, help Ron, etc. I have to remain functional.

Working out is never a waste of time or money, unless I am doing it badly and injure myself. I am very careful to use proper form so that does not happen.

Anonymous said...

You should log your workouts and depression days. I know workouts release the feel good endorphins.

Heather Knits said...

Working out definitely helps. The biggest thing I have noted this time around is more overall energy even at other times of the day.

I found myself picking up, organizing the house and garage before I went to bed last night. Normally I would never have the energy for that.

The trick is balance, not doing too much, but doing enough to matter. I plan to do just kettlebells this month and see how that goes - it is a combo cardio/weight workout and can be done in less than half an hour.