Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday morning

I slept OK last night but still depressed.  I am checking my scale but still down where I was last.  It is hard to break free of the whole "I am my measurements" thinking. 

Anyway, I dragged myself up, fed the cats, fed Ron (in that order), drank a Diet Mountain Dew.  Drank another. 

Our trash pickup comes around 7-8 in the morning every Wednesday.  Last night #6 apparently had "home church" again and about a dozen cars all scattered around, including in front of my house.  I was glaring at it and I noticed #2's trash can.  Ooops. 

I quickly took my can out to the curb, then I went to bed.  So I heard the trash come this morning, thank God.  You know, after Hurricane Ike we didn't have any trash pickup for 3 weeks?  It was horrible.  In summer heat! 

So happy to hear them.  On hot days I try to take them some bottled water but I wasn't dressed this morning. 

My aunt will tell you about the time we went to Ikea and I found a loud yellow bathrobe.  It is so bright I avoid it when I have a migraine.  It is REALLY loud.  It is about knee length.  It covers everything but is very hard to miss.  I keep it on the couch so I can pick it up if I am not dressed and someone knocks on the door. 

I am a bit of a nudist at home.  And now you will never get that visual out of your head!  :p 

So, I had to bring in the trash can.  If I don't the neighbors will swap their stinky can for my "nice" one.  It has happened before. 

No energy, depressed, sitting on the computer, even after 2 mountain dews, and the opening notes: "The Final Countdown" by Europe.  It gave me the energy to haul myself out of my chair, put on the bathrobe, and fetch the can.  I even emptied Ron's garbage can.  He is asleep, listening to the radio.  He seems happy, I won't disturb him. 

He does not seem to be in much pain, a lot of the time.  I attribute that to the prescription.  But other days he is in agonizing pain for days on end.  I asked the pain doctor about that "He had a really bad weekend" and pain doc said "He has extensive arthritis in his back, it probably flared with the bad weather we had this weekend". 

Happily not much rain due in the next couple weeks. I would love to put Ron on a diet for inflammation - keto or something.  But he wouldn't eat it. He wants chicken strips, fried chicken, Specialty chicken from Dominoes, etc.  He wants chips.  He wants popcorn.  All of which are probably contributing to his back. 

He doesn't have much joy in life (aside from Baby Girl) and he gets a little from food.  I don't think he would enjoy, or be compliant, with a restrictive diet.  But I could be wrong, I will ask him when he's awake. 

I need to figure out what I am doing today.  I am waiting for the Kratom people to call me and process the transaction.  I ordered enough to last him for a while.  As I hoped, I think he will only use it on Really Bad Days which is better all around. That should help it last forever.  He only needed about 6 capsules a day at the worst of it.  Suggested dose is up to 14 so well in bounds.  I suspect he has a pretty high pain tolerance.  I remember he had open heart surgery after the accident, they cracked his chest like a walnut, hauled it open, did the graft (he had an artery injury that needed repair), closed him up with wires, then stapled the skin on top of that. 

They took the staples out after 2 weeks, he has a hell of a scar that scares the crap out of medical professionals.  His sternum (breastbone) was still healing,and the ribs, when he came home.  And his cat at the time, Shadow, loved to get on his chest and sit, all dozen pounds of her, on the healing.  I always asked him if it bothered him, or the ribs, and he always said no and would pet her.  [she later died of breast cancer]

So I have to think he has a pretty high pain tolerance.  Most patients scoff at his pain med, much less the dose.  But most days it works for him.  So I am not surprised that a low dose of kratom has been so helpful for him.  That makes it all around easy.  And affordable - to treat his pain. 

And he can always go up on those exceptionally horrible days.  So far though we have just had Really Bad Days - that's where he used up his pain medication, taking extra on those days, and I couldn't blame him, looking on.  It was clear he was in exceptional pain. 

So, no pain today.  Yay!  Not enough to mention at any rate. 

Ron was hit by a truck.  His lower leg was broken in 3 pieces.  His ribs were broken, his vertebra were actually pushed sideways in his back.  Since then: severe arthritis everywhere (still wish he'd do an anti-inflammatory diet).  So pain is understandable.  I didn't even mention the head injury - his head was BOUNCED off the pavement with 3 kinds of brain damage but he never has a headache.  Ever.  I find that one so interesting, I am all headaches. 

I think I'm going to go ahead and do my workout, then shower.  I have some really good, caramel, low sugar protein shakes I really enjoy.  I will have one of those with my pills after my shower. 

I did up all my pills yesterday, it took a while but I got them.  Now I am good for 2 weeks.  I store them in a safer place because Ron has gone near my former storage area on a few occasions when very drunk, fumbling around. 

The last thing I want is 2 weeks' of medication all over the floor. 

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