Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday morning

I guess you could say the cats brought Ron a June bug for Father's Day.  It was flying around in my room last night.

Bugs, as a rule, don't bother me.  I detest roaches but am not afraid of them, or bugs in general.  Remember I was raised by a man.

I read my book for a little bit before I went to bed.  I was having battery problems with the Kindle unit but am not at present.  When it goes (it is a generation 5) I will buy a new one with built in lights.

I slept pretty well, odd dreams about the water bill and the monthly report.  I woke up to find Ron working on the report.  The pain medication really affects his thinking and memory so it is harder for him.

He told me not to bother him for hours.  I c

Calling me

He finished, off to file report.  I will edit this later.

It took me a while to wind myself up to a workout, I had 2 Diet Dr Peppers (about 120 mg of caffeine).  I donned my workout clothes and got on the bike, did a warmup, 30 minutes of intervals, and a cooldown.  Logged it. 

I finished and was getting ready to shower when Ron called me.  He was finished with the report.  He had taken some advice I had given him about making notes. 

Now it was my turn, I had some apprehension because it was a new database.  I turned off "my" music and cued some smooth jazz.  The database works with Chrome, unlike the old one, so I could play music while I worked.  I thought the jazz would be soothing and we both like it.  I got everything logged, saved, and submitted. 

I don't envy our boss, having to weed through all the mistakes this month.  I am sure there will be plenty. 

And there's only one of her, there used to be 2 people covering this job.  But they are not hiring at a high wage, I believe.  Good benefits but lots of travel so people are probably looking elsewhere. 

At any rate, our gal is doing a great job and I have no complaints.  Look how quick she took that compressor! 

So that finished.  Ron asked if I would play a country music song for him "Ol' Red".  It's about a jailbreak.  I played it at a high volume 'cause he's deaf and kept telling me to turn it up.  He was happy, went off drinking.  Tried to make me feel bad because I "wouldn't help" him.  I didn't feel at all bad about that. 

I finally got my shower.  I didn't need to shave my legs so I was happy, used the 2 in 1 shampoo again.  It is a lot easier when depressed. 

I am done with work for the day so I need to decide what I want to do.  I would like to go out but will probably take a nap first.  I already took my antidepressants.  I have pizza to eat later. 

Or I can eat something when I'm out.  I can be a little more generous with the budget, I just have a couple days left until payday. 

I tried to get Ron to agree to a bath but he said no.  I will try again tomorrow.  He uses the bath wipes in between but I am a fan of soap and water.  I did get all his new socks, washed them, put them in a box right where the old one went. 

I think Ron is right, I should attack his room the next time I get manic.  It probably needs the most work. 

So that's the caregiver end of things.  I did enough cleaning to fill up a huge garbage can and some recycle.  I feel pretty good about that.  The cats are happy. 

I will go watch a little TV while my hair dries and then go take a nap. 

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