Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday afternoon

I should probably talk about my approach to my diet. 

I have discovered some things about myself.  I prefer lean meats.  I prefer to get my fat from dairy products.  I like most vegetables but I don't eat them unless they are ready to eat.  Same with fruit.  If I have some bananas on the counter I will eat one with yogurt but I probably won't peel something or cut it up.  I like to taste grapes before I buy them.  I like buffets. 

So, this is what I do at a buffet: I focus on protein first.  For Ron I will get some pineapple and then the protein.  That is pretty much all he will eat.  His metabolism is so slow I have to make sure everything that goes into him is 100% what he needs. 

For me, I get some vegetables if they look good, then load on the protein.  Today I got 2 kinds of fish.  I will get some carbs if they look good but they don't dominate.  Then I sit down and eat with Ron. 

When I'm done with my food, I go for the dessert and get a few modest portions.  Sometimes literally all I want is a taste.  I am also limited by what I can eat.  I can't eat any chocolate, peanuts, or almonds. 

That's what I did today.  I got Ron some protein and he said it was too much.  I really wish he would take some supplement shakes.  He, of anyone, really needs them. 

We had a good meal, the driver who got us was punctual.  "The guy who is always late" picked us up on time for a change. 

While eating, we talked a little.  I explained it was unreasonable to go out and come home to find Ron passed out on the floor, that him getting wasted every night should not be a normal occasion, etc.  He agreed, said he would work on living a more temperate lifestyle (my take).  I was satisfied with that. 

I talked to him about wanting him to eat more protein and he said he was "full" and had a slow metabolism.  That is true.  I don't want him inflating, I can take care of him at 150 pounds but there's an upper limit. 

We talked about work and I wondered if the other vendors do that, too - always talk shop whenever they go out.  We planned tomorrow. 

I need to make a supply run.  The only person who can help us has a modest sized SUV.  That means there will not be room for inventory + wheelchair.  One has to suffer.  So Ron "can" stay home while I run, get the supplies, go to work and stock them.  Ron called, he is willing to help.  Good. 

Ron is happy to stay home.  I did tell him I expect him to be in a decent state when I get home, he agreed.  I think it is fair and reasonable to share my expectations. 

It won't take me long to do what needs done.  The other vendors take Tuesday and Thursday off so I will have the stockroom to myself.  A for instance, today, they kept putting their stuff in my area.  It was not done maliciously, but there's not a lot of room.  So they "use" mine.  I have learned some things are worth getting upset about but most are not. 

So I had a good early dinner.  We had a pretty good ride home. 

Ron went to bed.  He was able to move himself pretty well today.. 

I am giving my food time to digest so I can do my workout later.  I will do a warmup and then kettlebells.  I plan to start with the squats first.  It won't take long. 

I had planned to do it this morning but didn't sleep well so I have to do it tonight.  We will see if that affects my ability to sleep.  I didn't sleep well during my nap today, even with Torbie.   I think the workout is worth taking the chance. 

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