Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hot dogs for dinner

We had a weather front coming in today so I planned to stay home.  And I did.  I slept in until around 8, got up, did the exercise bike.  I found myself pretty stiff, more than I'd find acceptable.  So I have resolved to only do weights (includes kettlebells) of any sort with a 2 day gap.  Work out, 2 days off (can do cardio) and then work out again.  It is not worth it to go every other day, even though my books say I "could". 

I managed to crank out 30 minutes of intervals, at a lower level than I normally do.  I was tired, stiff, and depressed, I was just glad I got on the damned bike at all.  I did the workout.  I drank a protein shake and took my pills (needed them) and then took a shower. 

The trash came so I put the cans away.  Thank you, guys. 

I managed to get some fried chicken into Ron, I called that a win.  I did not get any accounting work or a bath out of him, though.  He mainly just laid in bed. 

Probably as depressed as I was.  I watched some TV for a while and then took a nap.  Someone knocked on the door while Ron was in the kitchen drinking.  I got up and investigated, and found a cardboard box sitting in the chair on the porch. 

My new Kettlebell had arrived.  I had some trouble bringing it in the house, it is a lot easier when you have the handle.  This was all boxed up. 

I put it in the garage.  I drank a caffeine drink because I had a pretty good headache forming.  I couldn't sleep after that.  I got up and got dressed, decided to open my box.  I got a pair of scissors.  I had a hell of a time peeling through the tape, 2 boxes, layers of foam and bubble wrap.  As I said on my Amazon review "It's as if they got a mandate to ship a 30 pound egg".  It took me a good 10 minutes to get through the layers. 

I finally grabbed it by the handle, finally, and walked it over to my rack, set it down.  It will be a good workout when I get up to it.  I left the review and then did something nice I won't talk about (not for Ron).  Bible - Jesus actually - says if you get credit for good deeds on Earth you don't get it in Heaven. 

I got on the computer for a while.  I decided to make my vitamin order.  I got some tart cherry and MSM, both supposed to be good for joints.  Sometimes my "bad" knee yells at me during a workout, or is a little stiff after.  I want to keep all my joints happy.  Ideally I can get Ron to take some and that will help his problems.  I also got my usual supplements: Wild Yam for my breakthrough bleeding issue - totally solved on the yam, great stuff: Butterbur and Feverfew for migraine prevention, and a nice bar of rose soap that had good reviews. 

I used to make soap so I know the good ingredients.  I can read the list of ingredients and get the good stuff.  This had both Palm Kernel oil and Coconut for good lathering.  That is important to me.  I hate it when I get a bar and it only provides skimpy lather.  Some body parts need a good amount of lather, you know?   One reason I am not a huge fan of castille soap.  It just doesn't make the lather.  I used to make my own bars with both coconut and palm kernel oil so I had a good lather.  Normally I also like a bar to have some shea butter but life isn't perfect, even the $8 bar didn't have that. 

I didn't get free shipping but I was OK with that.  They are running a sale so I got some tasty discounts, and a BOGO on the tart cherry. 

I plan to maybe get some books on Amazon before I eat my dinner.  I was despairing of dinner, couldn't figure out what to eat, until I found some hot dogs in the fridge. 

One of the cats threw up in the computer room but I cleaned it up.  Not sure who it was, they all acted hungry when I went near the cat food storage area. 

I'm going to go hunt up some books. 


Anonymous said...

Jesus christ now you get rewards in heaven if you do good deeds on earth. Well aint that a fucking man made interpretation.

Heather Knits said...

That's, like, basic. Even Ron says I am getting a big crown for putting up with him.

Not really into crowns but that's the word the Bible uses. At any rate my #1 goal is making God happy, taking care of His other children and my cats. I like to think I will get something for getting up all those mornings and feeding the cats with a migraine.

I'm not 100% altruistic. If I get a benefit I will take it. I think nearly everyone works like that. Even Mother Theresa got lots of recognition, movies made about her and such. Which may mean, contrary to popular opinion, she did not get much recognition in Heaven.

I just, unlike many, don't see the need to make a big Facebook post with photos of the nice thing I did and get lots of recognition. Sometimes I read an old post and I wrote about doing something, no clue what it is all this time later. God knows. I don't even feel a need to let you all know everything I do that happens to be nice. I did it, that's what matters.

Anonymous said...

Heather can you please not share the comments that take the Lords name in vain. You can't print that in the media or say it on tv. I may have to quit reading your blog.

Heather Knits said...

Sure, sometimes I miss it though.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Heather it's VERY offensive to see haters scoff at our savior. ((Hugs))