Saturday, June 15, 2019

9 AM update

So I did my workout and played "Sick of It" again and again.  Ron woke up and decided, hey, I'm not completely drunk!  I should get hammered again! 

He seems to seek a totally incoherent, embarrassing, state of utter intoxication "Tuning out" he calls it.  He says he wouldn't drink if he could smoke pot, but he had major anxiety doing that, fear of running out, demanding I hide some but lie to him and tell him I didn't - then present it to him (even back then I drew the line and said no way buddy you take care of your own stuff)... just beyond STUPID head games which I can't abide. 

So almost more drama around the pot (which was very expensive, at least what he smoked) than around the alcohol. 

And the alcohol is bad.  I caught him eating cat treats last night.  He drools constantly when he drinks, freaking rivers of drool, all over his beard and clothes.  It is horrendous.  I just got some on me trying to fasten the seatbelt in the wheelchair. 

So he went a' drinking.  I loaded the washer with dirty clothes and some scent beads.  I like the Tide original scent.  Not too much 'cause headaches and allergies, but a little is nice.  I even got a Tide Original plug in yesterday. 

I got that going.  He was in the kitchen.  At first he wanted to talk about women's sexuality "they think they're clean but they're all dirty".  Well, you read porno talking books, call chat lines where people look to hook up (I suppose the chat line ones are too dumb or reluctant to use the internet services), you're going to have a very distorted view of women. 

He stays off the internet, and I encourage it because we both know a guy with his problems would fall into the abyss very quickly and destroy his life with me. 

I told him most guys would rather have a woman who can say "I said no to 10,000 guys but I'm saying yes to you" than someone who says "I said yes to both your brothers, your father, your uncle, your grandfather, your sister, etc. I might as well say yes to you too." 

Then he wanted to discuss a woman he cheated with.  I stopped that pretty quick.  I said I felt sorry for her, she truly felt she had to have intercourse if she got drunk and at one point almost banged on my neighbor's door in the middle of the night to solicit him for sex.  Yeah.  I don't think she ended up in a good place.  I said that was VERY SAD and he should feel bad for her, but I didn't want to talk anymore about women he cheated with.   He couldn't understand that. 

He felt the encounter didn't matter because he didn't remember it.  It doesn't work that way.  I shut him down pretty quickly. 

Bad enough to deal with a drunk, don't remind me you are an adulterer too. 

I managed to get him to eat some chicken and potatoes.  It wasn't easy but I heated it up and left the aromas waft, that did the trick. 

He ate some and knocked some on the floor, he was very drunk by this point.  I put the seatbelt on him and he drooled all over both my arms.  It was hideous.  I got him to his room (away from the bottle!). 

I got him to the bedroom and unfastened the seatbelt.  More drool.  I had to basically pick him up and put him into bed (more drool).  He laughed at me and I blew up at him. 

It is hard to put a grown adult into bed when they have mobility issues.  Even harder when they are laughing at your efforts and actively resisting you.  I managed to shove him in place and stomped off, played some Skillet at a very high volume as he began snoring. 

Sorry, neighbors.  I doubt they heard me, though.  My version of "loud" is barely perceptible if you are standing right outside my window. 

I put the clothes in the dryer - the ones that get dried in a machine.  My air dry stuff (workout clothes, mainly) went on hangars.  I looked in on Ron, about to fall out of bed.  I figured out how to slide him over and he thanked me.  A couple of times. 

That was a pretty neat trick, I put my arm under both his knees together. 

I can only assume he will do the wake/drink cycle as long as he can.  That means I had better get a nap when I can - I am getting manic, NOT a good thing. 

Plan for now is shower, nap, then maybe walk over to the gas station and buy a diet soda.  They have a seating area inside and I can bring my Kindle. 

I have GOT to take care of myself. 

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