Saturday, June 22, 2019

Depression food

I was thinking  I tend to reach for the same foods when I am depressed, and I am pretty sick of them.  Especially when I am already depressed. 

Chicken nuggets - done the hell out of those
Pizza.  Most days the word pizza makes me gag. 
Cereal.  I never eat the sugary "kids stuff" but standard cereal is just as bad.  I am odd in that I like to eat it soggy but most days I do not like it at any texture. 
Ice cream.  I usually only eat it when I am depressed so I think depression most days when I think about it. 

If you know depression you understand the utter lack of drive and motivation to prepare food.  I want something quick that someone else cooked, or a can/package I can open and just eat "offa" that. 

It is sad.  They are good foods and deserve more than to be relegated to my "depressed and need to take my pills" list. 

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