Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wednesday afternoon

I had a pretty good nap but woke up with a headache.  I changed my pillow again, hoping that will help. 

Well, that was an exhausting meal.  First, the driver was very (half an hour) late.  It was the guy who is always late.  He had a slow girl in the back seat and Ron was trying to talk about very inappropriate stuff, like his "whore drive" a flash drive with audio tracks of women saying things on it.  He has been upset it suddenly stopped working.  He was also very angry at the driver, and I had to keep stopping him on both counts, especially re: the sex stuff because the other client could use a cell phone and could have very likely made a complaint.  Instead, he made comments like "Your wife must have been really dumb to marry you" and the driver is sitting there asking me why I don't hand out (Bibles in bags of candy, because he used to love eating the candy) anymore.  I gestured to the back where Ron was being obnoxious and said I don't have time, with taking care of him. 

I also got sick of bagging up Bibles and tracts with bags of candy, everyone wanted the candy, no one wanted the material and threw it out, then demanded more every time I rode.  I am not made of money.  I don't have hours a week to bag it all up NOR a place to store it.  ESPECIALLY since no one was reading it or even made a comment about what they had gotten.  I didn't say anything in this paragraph but I sure thought it. 

So we got to the restaurant.  There is another man in a wheelchair one table over (empty table between us).  He was very loud, and had "the accent" you get with cerebral palsy or some strokes.  Very distorted, sounds kind of like a barking seal.  And they are always very loud.  It didn't bother me, I was just glad Ron doesn't talk like that.  Ron has an "accent" but not bad.   It drove Ron nuts, he kept making loud comments like "Why don't you shut up?" and "No one wants to hear you". I kept shushing him.  He said he didn't care. 

I noticed an alcohol drink on the table in front of the other man.  The other man got progressively more upset with these comments and began shouting loudly.  I couldn't understand what he was saying, though.  It ended with Ron wanting me to take him over to the other man so he could tell him off.  I said no.  I said, Ron stood a good chance of being banned from the restaurant if he kept it up.  That stopped him. 

I never saw Ron as a heckler of other people with disabilities.  It's like he wants everyone to hate him.

So I spent the whole meal trying to get Ron to shut up/calm down.  It was exhausting.  He called a cab to go home.  Fine.  I like the driver, he is a nice guy.  Then he wanted to pay nearly 4 times the meter.  What is that? 

I can understand paying $40 each way when Biscuit is sick, it's a $6 trip, and I need to get him to the hospital. I totally get that.  But paying FOUR times the meter "because he came when I called"?  It is NOT THAT hard to get a cab in Houston.  I looked like a cheap bitch arguing with Ron about that but I am OK with it.  Not so OK with him spending his money like that. 

I will check the mail in about half an hour.  My heart rate monitor should come sometime.  I had a good workout this morning on the bike (not sure if I shared that already) before I took my shower.  Tomorrow is a day of and I will get up early, do kettlebells, take a shower, and most likely go out on the bus because I am exhausted with caring for Ron. 

I didn't share the best part.  This morning he was delusional and kept going on about work tasks, when he was in his underwear sitting on his bed and then in his wheelchair.  It took him a while to snap out of it, to realize we had no trips to/from work, we were not at work, etc.  I told him, frankly, it scared the hell out of me. 

I told him later I would love to take him off the pain meds completely and see if that resolved the issue, he said I "couldn't" do that. 

I may not have worked today but I feel pretty worn out. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Can you take the powder BC’s? They knock all but my worst headaches right out. I have to be judicious these days about taking them, having severe acid reflux. But they do indeed work when nothing else will.