Saturday, June 8, 2019


I don't like Saturdays because my local channel does a nonstop Law and Order, SVU marathon.  I find those shows incredibly depressing; the last thing I need during a depression.  Hey, Heather, let's watch a steady diet of rapes, torture, child molestation! 

No thanks. 

I did my workout this morning, pleased I could do the 30 pound kettlebell for some of it.  And that's just one exercise, I still use the 5 pounder for plenty of things like warmups and get-ups.  As with all weightlifting, you work your way into the bigger weights. 

I took my shower.  My roots seem a little heavy from the shampoo but the ends are better than just a plain shampoo.  So the jury is still out.

I like to micromanage, especially workouts, when depressed.  I am thinking to do kettlebells only this month, then standard weights all July, then back to Kettlebells in August.  I will see how that goes.  I am having good workouts with minimal equipment. 

Ron woke up and came in the kitchen.  He told me he had a blackout last night and asked if he had woken me up.  I had to say no. 

"I woke up on the floor" he said.  Well.  He seems to be made of rubber.  Either that or God really does protect fools, drunks, and small children. 

He started drinking in the kitchen.  Baby Girl wanted to go out in the garage so I opened the door, she went out, then Biscuit.  All of a sudden we heard an awful racket. 

I knew what it was, but ran in there to verify my suspicions: Yes, Biscuit was tearing up my padded mat.  He was completely stretched out on top of it with his claws extended into the mat.  I had to pull him off.  Bad cat! 

I dragged him in the house and shut the door.  Ron was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his wheelchair.  He was delighted Biscuit had made so much racket that even Ron (fairly hard of hearing) could hear it. 

I was less pleased with Biscuit.  But not really mad, just annoyed.  Ron said he would buy me new mats when Biscuit wrecked the old ones.  I did a combination of computer/TV/ and talking to Ron.  I laid down for a nap but couldn't sleep.  I do tend to have more energy working out. 

Ron is basically holding me hostage, he needs to finish the report and I need to file it.  I thought about going out today but decided against it. 

I just hung out with Torbie for a while.  We heard the doorbell ring.  I went and checked, it was the box from Chewy.  It is very nice to be able to maneuver a 20 pound box, and a large one at that. 

I put the food away, found a home for his treats, and gave Ron the girls' treats.  Ron was talking about the baseball game, it had an interesting ending.  Basically a guy on the opposing team gave the game to us..  It makes you wonder about payoffs.   He went on and on about it.  Drinking again. 

I told him I was going to bed, that is one line that generally permeates when he is drinking.  He said he would be quiet, and was going himself.  He went to bed and was quiet.  I still couldn't sleep so I got up, after a petting session with Torbie. 

I collected what was left of the dirty clothes and started a load of laundry.  Since it was mainly underwear, I used the unscented detergent.  I also had Ron's pants in there, and mine.  But mainly underwear. 

Do you ever find yourself counting when you are doing a repetitive task?  When I stock, I count each item.  It's very annoying, I have to stop myself.  I found myself doing it loading all the underwear in the washer today "1, 2,"  very annoying.  I guess that is just human nature. 

I am so glad I am bipolar and not OCD.  They never seem to get a break, but I do.  I get manias and dormant periods without major symptoms.  I don't think they ever get a break. 

I wouldn't want it.  And they're probably thinking about all the crazy crap bipolars do, how it's a synonym for "drama queen", etc.  And everyone makes jokes about OCD coming to clean their house, that's about the worst of their PR. 

Anyway, I got all umpteen undies loaded into the wash and got it going.  Yes, I mix my loads.  I'll remind you I am depressed. 

Ron wants to lounge for a while I guess so no report.  I am feeling a little restless and want to get out. 

I may settle for cleaning the garage some more so I can make room for my fitness thing.  What will it be?  Lots of options.  Our 20 year old exercise bike is a pro-form so I will be looking for that brand.  It has been very reliable. 

I am thinking to go to the sporting goods store tomorrow but I could probably find most of the stuff on Amazon AND get it delivered.  Caffeine does help with the depression (200 mg so far) but it also makes me mixed (manic and depressed at the same time).  That's not a fun place to be. 

I will go check my TV, maybe they have an episode of Hoarders. 

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