Thursday, June 6, 2019


I woke up tired, stiff, and depressed.

I concluded: 1.  An extra hour of sleep would do me a lot of good, after I fed the cats.  2.   I was so stiff a workout wouldn't help, and probably harm me.  So I slept in.

Biscuit wanted a second breakfast when I got up the second time.  He is one of those cats that, once starved, never really believes in his next meal.  Some cats are like that.  Bubba was.

I gave him a snack.  Remember I dole out his half cup first thing every morning, it goes in his bowl, the bowl stays locked up.  When I feed him I give him the bowl and he can eat as much or as little as he wants.  Sometimes he has food left at the end of the day, but usually not.

I took my shower, helped Ron, got dressed.  We went to the warehouse.  I bought some drinks and we had a good ride to work.  We stocked what we could, not much.  I did an inventory and helped Ron.

Ron had not slept well last night and still hasn't.  I am still pretty stiff but plan to do some stretching in the garage in a little bit.  That can only help.

And I will not be doing kettlebells tomorrow, giving myself the day off of that.  I may do some bodyweight exercises and take a walk but not much more than that.

We finished work and had a wait outside in the sun. It was pretty miserable, I had to sit out in the sun so the driver (new) could find us.  I put Ron in the shade.

The driver came and we had to put Ron in the back.  We had another passenger, the annoying slow woman who always carries on with a high level of drama "I'm so mad" - if I had a dollar for everytime she said that... You live a cushy life in subsidized housing, have no bills, and work part time.  You have free transportation and food stamps.  She has nothing to be angry about.

But I agreed with the driver (the trainer) I didn't want to stuff Ron in next to her.

The trainee was AWFUL.  She was a very hesitant driver, one of those who waits until the last minute to get over and then can't, panics, not a good combination.  She also kept drifting out of the lane, first to one side, then the other.  She couldn't take a brief glance at the GPS and then look back at the road (to be fair, I probably couldn't), she would weave out of her lane.  She got honked at a lot and even Ron noticed the bad driving.  We were both happy to get out of there.

We got home.

A little back story: years ago when we had the coffee machine it would only take coins for a while.  Ron told me I could keep all the revenue so I had the coins in 2 large jars I hid in the stockroom.  Recently I gave the jars to Ron, told him I didn't want to hassle with taking them to the bank.  He sorted them and put the money in the bill changer.

Today he told me to take the money out of the bill changer, and keep it, as it was my money.  I did so.  I plan to put half in my emergency fund.

I had a bowl of cereal with a glass of milk and then took my pills.  Then I took a nap.  I slept pretty well but woke up with a headache.  Sing along with me: I had a caffeine drink.  That helped some.

Ron is watching another baseball game (they lost, last night, badly) and that is keeping him occupied.  I am happy to see him interested in something outside of himself, it's very healthy.  Even my doctor is a big fan.

Last night I download "What do you say when you talk to yourself?" as a kindle book.  That should keep me busy for a while.  The premise is very simple: we are always running ourselves down and we need to stop that.  I know I am guilty of it at times.

I believe it also covers just having a negative attitude in general (that has rubbed off on me, from Ron, and decades of depression) and how to fix that.  Worst case it only cost me a couple dollars.

I plan to go to Walmart tomorrow, make a deposit and buy some things.  Ron asked me to get him some ankle socks, I will do that.  He gave me money for all his stuff and cab fare.  He is lying in bed with Baby Girl sweet talking her.  Oh, he loves that cat.  But the game is keeping him away from the vodka bottle.

I even took him some soda and he drank half the bottle.  I am doing what I can to keep him hydrated.

Now I'm going to go do some stretching in the garage, with my book.  I was doing some of the moves I remembered while I was waiting on our ride, and it did help.  Someone at work saw me pick up something heavy and complimented my strength.  I thought that was great.

Here's to hoping I end up less stiff.

Edit: had a good stretch, felt some pops.  Nothing hurt.  Ron went to the kitchen, drank, and went back to bed while I was in the garage. Now I'm off to check the mail.

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