Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I'm becoming a fan

I read countless accounts of Kratom helping with severe pain.  Message boards had threads on the subject, pro and con, but the pro writers spoke of extreme pain and tremendous relief.  I did some research, found it is legal in Texas, and bought some. 

I didn't try it on Ron until last week.  He had dramatic results.  I am very impressed and planning to order more for him. 

As you know, I have nasty headaches.  Part of it is genetics, part due to medication.  I had one today.  Now, when I placed my order for Ron's material I threw in a bag for myself (they come in one ounce bags, at least from my guy, powder or capsule).  I got powder, it is easily mixed into food or drink.  I figured it would also keep me from reaching for it every day if I 'liked" it too much. 

I finally got sick of the headache today and tried 1/4 t powder in some applesauce.  Let me tell you, it tasted really bad.  It reminded me of valerian root if you have ever experienced that.  I had a very nasty persistent migraine that was a good 5 in a 1-10. 

15 minutes later it is pretty much gone.  I still have that horrible taste in my mouth, though.  I see why some have vomiting associated with kratom, it has a very strong, bitter, taste.  I have a slight headache still but it has only been 15 minutes. 

I can think about cleaning the litter box now, for which the cats will thank me.  I can enjoy my day off. 

So I did some more research, all of it favorable.  Some say "it gets you high".  I got high off an antibiotic once and I am not even getting a buzz.  I'm not as foggy as usual, that's all.  Still have that taste in my mouth. 

Definitely getting capsules next time, worth the extra $10. 

The big pharmaceutical companies are running scared, and have influenced the FDA to criminalize kratom.  Try saying that fast a few times. 

There was a big push in 2016, a big push back by outraged consumers, and it was shelved for now.  But the credit card companies want nothing to do with kratom companies now, so you have to use alternate methods of payment. 

You can bet I will write some letters to my people (ahead of anything) letting them know where I stand on the subject.  How much it helps Ron. 

And, apparently, me.  Headache is almost gone at 3:23 (took it at 3).  I hate losing a day to a migraine.  If I have to taste cat urine on my tongue for a while I am OK with that. 

I went the conventional route.  I took Ron to many doctors, countless x-rays, exams, MRI, surgery, physical therapy, pills, nothing.  This helps (when he takes it, which was only during the bad time this last weekend).  No bad side effects for either of us. 

My heart was already racing from the caffeine when I took the kratom.   It isn't any worse, though. 

Caffeine is really a rough drug when you think about all the side effects.  If I can do something safer instead I will.  So there's another analgesic maker out of work due to kratom. 

Ron and I reached an agreement, if he wants some Kratom he will ask for it and I will give it to him.  I won't ask if he needs it (unless he is clearly in pain). 

Now I'm off to clean that litter box. 


Anonymous said...

Reason Ron is in his underwear and being sociable: (just a heads up on the side effects)

Kratom is physically addictive, too. The same properties that make it a potential detox aid also make it a potential addiction. In small doses, Kratom causes stimulant effects – increased alertness, stamina, and sociability.

Liver and Kidney Damage: When used for a long time in high doses, the liver and kidney will become significantly damaged. ... They can become overworked, which can lead to kidney failure among people with liver damage. Negative Interactions: Mixing Kratom with other drugs can cause potentially hazardous side-effects.

Most people take kratom as a pill or capsule. ... Reported health effects of kratom use include nausea, sweating, seizures, and psychotic symptoms.

Heather Knits said...

I'm well aware of the *possible* side effects.

He used it a few times one day, then once on one day, now and then. Nowhere near addiction levels, and trust me I see that with the alcohol.

I would have been a lot more impressed if it wasn't such an obvious copy-and-paste from a naysayer site, most likely funded by big pharma looking to keep their narcotics revenue.

A lot of "scary" stuff about psych problems taking it but I had no problems, if anything better thinking, when I did use it - a lot safer and more effective than headache pills with caffeine (medical first line of treatment). No interactions with my medications when I took them.

Do either of us plan to take it every day? No. Do we plan to take it on bad days when the other stuff doesn't work on the pain? Yes.

Anonymous said...

Kratom is in the caffeine family and deflinatly (hopefully you read this online) can be very addictive and habit forming .

That said? It has cured a very long standing GI problem for me I have taken a low dose consistently for a while now and at this point i have tried to stop taking it and I get pretty uncomfortable side effects.

I think you mentioned you will be letting your doctors know ? It may void the pain contract Ron has with his provider?
My doctor is fully aware and very happy with my results on kratom considering what I had to take previously

Not sure if you are interested in some hints from a long term user but?
Mix it with OJ it tastes better and potentiates the effect
Do not redoes in a couple of hours if it does not work wait 6 hours or you could be spinning with vertigo like a top (I did this only ONE TIME so did my friend it was awful)
Always use the lowest effective dose if you find yourself creeping up go off it a while.
Make sure the place you get it from tests it

It works yes for those who need it it works really well but it is also a potent drug and should be treated with extreme caution make sure when you check your labs you look at the thyroid and liver (I think you do all that )

Anyway not trying to tell you what to do but offering you what I had to learn when taking kratom. I have to taper to stop or I do not sleep and get quite uncomfortable. Do not take this lightly but if it helps your headaches and your doctor approves AND it is tested for purity and and and LOL! Just be careful you are super sensitive .
Ron is a screamer it does not matter how much or how little pain people have it is how they were trained to respond to discomfort . People can suffer far worse pain , (like you do obviously with your headaches I am sorry but those trump his back imo ) and do not utter a peep. His screaming and writhing ? How often do you see people behaving like that? Rarely because they are able to deal with pain with out the behavior response . Pain is subjective to the person suffering , we should still have mercy no matter how they present suffering is suffering I just feel like people who are like you do not get the appropriate care for their pain .

Heather Knits said...

I got it from a place that does extreme testing and has quality assurance from various labs.

You are the second person to tell me about the OJ, I might get some. I just put it on my Walmart order.

I gave Ron 2 capsules (one gram), that seems to be a good working dose with him. I gave him 2 grams (my understanding I can go up to 8) when he was having very hard times and it made him pretty groggy the next morning. So I will operate out of the 1 gram range. It will also make what he has last longer.

He used it 2x today with very good results.

I used 1/4 teaspoon which is about a gram and a half, for the migraine which worked very well. Happily I have an ounce of what I used.

Kratom is legal in TX so I don't see any issues. Pain doc said nothing illegal, it's not. It's "alternative" but not illegal here. I doubt my doc will care - I didn't have to sign a contract on anything but guns (!). I did suggest Ron not volunteer any information on it. I will talk about it to primary family: aunt, uncle, parents, and online but that's it.

It is good to see Ron "out of hell" to quote a Skillet song.

Anonymous said...

Heather kratom rocks. It’s helped me so many ways. Good choice.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't have many options, and the one consistent thing I kept hearing was that it worked on post traumatic injuries.

I was delighted to find it also helps with my migraines.