Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The rest of Tuesday

Walmart didn't send me a text or email, someone just rang my doorbell.  I went out and helped her.  I had ordered a lot of drinks, half a dozen Powerades (much better flavor), two 6-packs of diet Dr Pepper, and two cases of water!  I helped her get it all in the garage and then put it away when she left.  It took me a while to put it all away.   Not bad for $66.

They had everything but one 4-pack of yogurt, and they subbed something more expensive.  I was happy. 

I got my stuff together and called the home improvement store, made sure they still did keys.  They said yes.  I called Arturo and he said he would be there in 15 minutes, and he was. 

We had a good trip, not very long.  I paid him and he left.  I went in and found the key section.  There was another man loitering there (not disturbing).  I found the clerk and he came up to the key center.  The other guy went first (he had been there longer), then me.  I didn't have to take my keys off the ring, which was nice.  I got most of my keys done.  They didn't have anything for the mailbox key.  I guess I will have to do that at a locksmith. 

I picked up a keyring (one set is going to my aunt and uncle), wandered around a little.  I was "bad" and got some sweet tea.  I looked around some but nothing grabbed me.  I paid and left. 

I walked over to the very busy street.  I would have to cross the 8 lane busy street if I wanted to go to the sporting goods store.  Or, I realized, I could stay on my side of the street, take the local bus to the transit center, and then take my local bus to the chicken place.  That seemed more efficient so I went to that bus stop.  I had a very short wait for a change, and an even shorter one when I got to the transit center: the other bus was idling,waiting to go. 

I went to the chicken place, which was oddly quiet considering it is their pay the bills day.  I got 4 chicken specials for a little over $6.  I figured I could eat, and would not want a TV dinner later, so I went over to the Waffle House.  I had all my stuff in a small tote bag on my shoulder. 

I didn't feel hot or uncomfortable today, even though one thermometer said it was 86 degrees.  I got my food, done to perfection.  The waitress was worried I didn't eat all my hashbrowns.  I explained I was saving the carbs for my waffle. 

I paid and then called Arturo again.  He came in about 10 minutes.  It is nice to have a driver who works the area and doesn't mind our trips.  I gave him one of the chicken specials and he was very happy (Of course I also paid him and gave him a good tip).  We went home. 

I found Ron asleep in bed.  I gave him a piece of chicken and he ate it, then wanted another.  I gave it to him.  I put the chicken away and fed the cats.  I took my pills and laid down for a nap with Torbie.  We had a good cuddle before she went in her little house and laid down.  I am glad she still likes it, she hasn't used it in a while. 

I fell asleep and woke up with a headache.  I killed it with a Diet Dr Pepper.  I will check the mail in a little bit and see if anything fun came today. Supposed to have my vitamins. 

Later on I will log onto the sporting goods website.  I was thinking about this on the bus, I will buy some bike shorts and a mesh backpack for myself.  That will be about $25 with shipping but not bad, and some things I need.  So I will get some "fun shopping for myself" because, to be honest, most of today was out running errands.  Not sure what I am doing tomorrow, it is too late to make a trip.  Let's see if Ron made any: "no trips currently booked".  So there's that. 

I am going to watch a little TV before I go check the mail. 

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