Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday bedtime

Well, he is quiet now. 

I am going to go check on our trips.  A lot of gibberish trips for today but all cancelled. 

Tomorrow's trips look OK.  I will have to get up early if I want to work out, though. 

I set up my exercise clothes and shoes next to my bed so I can don them easily.  I may grab one of my reflective vests if I take a walk, it will be dark.  No sense in me getting run over, and many of the "neighbors" park in an f-you fashion where they block the sidewalk with one car and a huge driveway.  The only reason they would do that is saying f-you I don't want you walking past my home. 

Very rude, and unsafe for pedestrians, we are forced out into the street. 

But if I walk, I will wear one of my vests.  I'll be fine. 

Come home, shower, get us both ready for work.  I will feed the cats first thing, as always. 

Then work for a while.  Ron seems in a better mood now that he's eaten, that may have been a factor but it DOES NOT excuse him verbally abusing me, especially when I was helping him. 

I am going to go read my book for a while. 


Anonymous said...

So after you talk on Monday he lasted 3 days with being a decent human being. That seems to be his normal track record after your talks with him. He behaves for a few days and then makes up for it with an epic binge and verbal abuse fest.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that I would have your patience or tolerance for what you are going through. God sees that you are struggling, trying to be obedient, and also needing some emotional support. Most people will not really realize how much you are going through by just reading your blog...they are not living in your shoes. I admire your tenacious ability to get by on the little sleep you do get. It is not of a good quality, with so many interuptions. I could not manage on that little sleep...and I have let my husband know, if I am NOT wake me. He can lay quiet for a half hour, just like I do at times. Courtesy is needed for a successful marriage. I do think Jesus is returning soon. Watch Pastor Tim Henderson's video's. They are very uplifting and supportive. My husband watches them with me and he enjoys them too. I pray God to bless you again today.

Heather Knits said...

I have to agree. You would think he'd realize he is dependent on me for literally EVERYTHING in his life. You would think. You would think that he might value what I have done in the past, or anticipate all the needs met in the future. CERTAINLY realize what I am doing for him every moment.

I'm not even asking him to be sober and appreciative. I'm asking him to be temperate and NOT abusive. I think that is a pretty simple request.

Anonymous said...

He is incapable of thinking like you do.
He does not think what he is doing is in any way wrong. He is incapable of thinking about you as anything but a punching bag for his own pain and shame in life.

It does not get better. I am so sorry. You are not alone but you really are alone as long as you stay with him.

Put him out

Just push his chair out on the front lawn and call APS to pick him up


Heather Knits said...

I've been tempted, on occasion.

Better yet, call his family.