Saturday, June 15, 2019

2 PM update

I took a nap with Torbie the awesome kitty.  We had a good time laying in bed together. 

I fed her when I got up. 

I slept great but woke up with a headache.  I guess it is not a surprise given the heavy lifting, high stress, and sleep deprivation.  I drank 2 very cold diet Dr Peppers, they seem to be helping. 

When I feel a little better I will go to the gas station and hang out.  Makes me sound like an inner city thug.  :p

They have a layered pudding, with pudding, whipped cream, etc.  It has always looked really good.  I haven't eaten much today so I might get one of those.  They also have these huge drink cups that are literally half a gallon with a straw sticking out.  Sounds pretty good. 

I just need to lick this headache.  I don't want to take Excedrin but I may need to, I will give it another 5 minutes. 

I fed all the cats when I got up.  I watched a little of the "cat from hell" shows when I got up this morning and I am really pleased how well my guys get on, very little squabbling.  Even at feeding time, Torbie and Baby Girl will share a food bowl amicably. 

Ron got up and guess what?  Began drinking again.  Shocking I know.  I would hate to see his blood alcohol content.  He can barely speak and has made some comments. 

Basically, when he gets in a mood he wants to offend people and piss them off.  Some are "easier" than others.  He wanted to call one person, who is a very proud father, and talk about how Father's Day is a bone thrown by society to men who "manned up after an oops (pregnancy)".  I told him that wouldn't go over well but I didn't react in the OMG YOU CAN'T SAY THAT response I know he wanted.  I just said, calmly, I think it would be a bad idea.  He thinks he can get away with it because he's crippled and no one gets mad at a cripple.  He hasn't said that but I know he thinks it. 

And then he wonders why he has no friends anymore.  "Why won't so and so take my calls?"  Because you act like an asshole, Ron. 

Yeah, I need to get out of here.  I'm going to get dressed and take some Excedrin with me in case I need it.  I got up almost 12 hours ago, save a nap. 

I can't sit here and watch endless cycles of Ron getting drunk, passing out, getting drunk again.  It is horrible not to mention dangerous for him. 

But will he listen?  No.  So I leave. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

OK, now you’ve made me want to make some banana pudding (the only way I like bananas). I like to use 1vanilla, 1butterscotch pudding to make it.

You know that I’m a dog person, but your cats are adorable anytime you put up pictures of them :)

I turn to music too for escape (don’t like tv). Been on a “Cream” kick lately, especially a song called “Tales Of Brave Ulysses”. When I see Keith Moon or John Bonham bashing away on drums on YouTube, I wish I could do that!