Saturday, June 8, 2019

Early Saturday

Crushed my workout. 

I slept OK but woke up horribly depressed.  For once, I did not find Ron half naked drinking in the kitchen. 

It took me about an hour, and two caffeine drinks (140 mg) to wind myself up to my workout.  This is where I'm glad I got the cute stuff at Academy with the money Ron gave me, I had some nice options to pick.  My favorite "lower" has to be the bike shorts, they go just to my knee and are fitted.  Breathe nice, too. 

Anyway, got dressed, put my shoes on.  Cued up my workout mix on Youtube and did 10 minutes on the bike. 

Then I took off my shoes and socks, went out in the garage, did kettlebells.  I won't bore you with all the details but I will share some highlights: Did 20 swings with a 30 pound weight.  This thing is so heavy I could hardly get it in the house when it was delivered. 

I did squats with 20 pounds.  I could barely do body weight squats a couple months ago.  My body likes to work out. 

I did 4, half Turkish getups on each side.  It is an exercise where I lie down on a mat, hold a weight above my head, and raise to sitting.  Then lie back down carefully.  I did that 4 times on each side.  The last 2 were a little sloppy but some cheating is OK. 

I came inside and logged it.  Now I am going to have a protein shake, antidepressants, and take a shower.  In that order. 

Ron didn't make any trips today but we can always order food.  I am glad I got Ron all that fried chicken on Tuesday, he could work on that all week and I didn't have to worry about feeding him protein.  He never eats enough protein but will gobble down fried chicken every day of the week (as he has proven on more than one occasion).  According to my research two thighs will cover his protein for the day.  We actually did that. 

So, yay me.  If I had kids they would probably love eating when I was depressed, it would be premade processed food.  Then I'd get manic and it would be salads and crock-pot again.  Aww, mom.  The cats eat the same thing every day regardless.  They are really undemanding. 

Ugh, my ponytail is dripping sweat.  Time for a shower.  I think I will try the pantene damage repair 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner I bought yesterday. 

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