Tuesday, June 18, 2019

So far, so good

Well, not a bad day. 

Here's our problem: Jack's truck fits the inventory, wheelchair, and the 3 of us.  But Jack can't help. 

Chuck could help but his SUV could ONLY hold the wheelchair or the inventory.  It has been my experience that people (including my Dad) underestimate the amount of space required for a wheelchair - it's a lot.  It's got to be about 4 feet square by a couple feet tall. 

So, I could get inventory, and we could "try" to do it on paratransit, Ron would take a ride to work and have them leave him at the curb while Chuck brought me and the inventory.  Or I could just leave Ron at home. 

We decided on the latter. 

I had trouble falling asleep, but when I did I finally felt rested, so I had a hard time getting up.  I kept resetting my alarm.  I had planned on maybe taking a walk this morning; that didn't happen.  I had enough time to take care of the cats, bathe, and dress.  That was it. 

Chuck came and we went to the store.  They were out of water.  Out of [censored] water, one of our best-profit items.  [Curses].  They did have everything else. 

I got the merchandise, which totaled $165.  We went out to the car and I loaded it.  I appreciated the fact he didn't "help" because I wanted heavy things on the bottom, etc. 

We went to work. 

He found some parking while I went in and grabbed a cart.  I didn't need more than one.  I loaded the cart, said goodbye for now, and he left. 

I went in and stocked for a while, took the money out of the machines, etc.  I took a lot of change out.  It will pay some bills.  Sales weren't "great" but we had waited a while to do this. 

I did enough to hold it to Thursday and called Chuck.  He came and picked me up, took me home (I gave him gas money). 

I opened the door to see Ron scurrying down the hall in his wheelchair.  He can move pretty fast when he's sober.  He has been very contained today, if he drank it wasn't enough to make him sloppy and ugly.  I greeted him and told him about work. 

I got a snack and took my pills (late, on that) and took a nap.  I had a hard time dropping off but slept great once I did.  I woke up refreshed, only about an hour later. 

Ron has been in a great mood and says he has resolved to cut back on the alcohol.  I will enjoy it for however long it lasts.  I did have a talk to him about his pain pills.  He was thinking he could take 3 a day, I reminded him they are only prescribed for 2 a day.  If he takes 3, he will run out. 

Other than that it has been a very good day.  Baby Girl had camped out in my computer chair.  Rather than push her down, I lured her with treats.  She was happy to come for them.  And Torbie, too, even though she had just gotten her own treats. 

Biscuit [sigh] was definitely kicked in the head.  I left his food bowl out by accident when I left the house.  It still had the same amount of food in it and Biscuit was crying for his food, which was literally right in front of him.  I don't often think of him as "slow" but with evidence like that I have to think it.  It doesn't matter to me, he knows his box and is good to the other cats (and us).  That's all that really matters to me.  I witnessed him getting kicked in the head before I rescued him, so I know it happened. 

As it is, I had to pick up the bowl, put it in the food bin, lock the lid, wait a few seconds, open the lid (he's crying the whole time), and present him with the same bowl he couldn't find seconds earlier.  Once I did it that way he was fine and ate.  After he finished I put it up like I do. 

Torbie has finally gotten a taste for her senior formula.  I have to think that will help her overall health.  Baby Girl likes the 7 and up formula, and occasionally a bite of the senior formula. 

I need to check their water fountains (I like the noise it makes, and the cats love the water) and then do their litter boxes.  They prefer the box in front of my chair and I'd rather they use it anyway, that way I can see if someone is constipated, peeing a lot, or not urinating when they try. 

Baby Girl is so healthy it amazes me, but she does have some mats.  I got some out yesterday but I don't want to bug her everyday.  It is uncomfortable for her and I am vain enough to want her to like, or at least tolerate, me. 

Ron is fine today, for a change.  No pain, lying in bed reading a good book.  If he were like this every day no one would have to worry about me getting caregiver burnout. 

As it is, pretty much everyone who knows me well worries about that.  We need to figure out what we want to do tomorrow, we have a nice day off. 

I may just get a Walmart delivery, I need to think about that.  But so far so good, today. 

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