Saturday, June 29, 2019

Saturday morning

I slept pretty well but Ron accidentally woke me up about the same time my bladder let out a red alert.  I think my bladder already had me up when I heard him, because he was pretty quiet. 

At any rate he apologized and I went back to bed after attending to business. 

Torbie and Biscuit love to sleep with me, and I am happy to see them.  I do secretly wish they gave me more room, but if it is less room + cats I will take it.  It is a sad, lonely, and bewildering bed when they don't sleep with me. 

And Torbie's about at the end of all things so I had better appreciate her while I have her.  I've talked to Ron, we will not get another cat.  Baby Girl does not like other cats - she had a terrible time accepting Torbie.  Biscuit was easier because he was a kitten and he came with a playmate, and was quickly neutered. 

I don't want to stress Baby Girl.  She is a good cat, but very possessive of Ron.  I will have Biscuit to be my buddy, he is in here with me right now.  He's a good boy.  [Turned my head] yup, lying on the floor behind me.  And he sleeps with me, which I have to admit is my favorite.  As far as I'm concerned my cat can ignore me all day long, but all is forgiven if I get some cuddles at night. 

Night is generally a harder time for me, not sure about you (feel free to tell me). 

I got up this morning pretty much on time, 3 hours before my delivery.  I got on the computer for a while and then did my bike workout.  For some reason it felt a lot longer today.  I took a shower and ate a slice of pizza, took my pills. 

I had about 250 mg of caffeine trying to get going.  I will watch my intake. 

A little time for more computer before the delivery.  I got about $90 worth of stuff so it will be a while bringing it in. 

I have to admit, Ron was absolutely right about his "airlock" idea: open the garage door, go in, shut garage door, open door to the house, no escaped cats.  Baby Girl got out the front door the other day and I had to chase her in my bare feet.  I managed to grab her because the ground was wet and she didn't like it. 

We are going out to the buffet place later.  Hopefully the trips will work out.  I will try to stuff Ron full of protein.  He does not get enough.

And I just got an email my order is coming. 

Got it, they didn't have Ron's cashews.  And they subbed several LARGE Powerades for my 20 ouncer case.  Not an issue. 

Going to take a nap before we leave. 

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