Thursday, June 13, 2019


Yesterday: too many Diet Dr Peppers!  They were delicious and cold going down but I DID NOT SLEEP.  I kept tossing and turning, drinking all my water, getting up to pee, and positioning myself so I wouldn't disturb Torbie and Biscuit. 

I did not get up on time, I barely had time for my shower.  We went to the warehouse, bought some supplies, and then went to work, stocked, etc. 

We finished that up and came home.  There's my bed, I took a nap.  I woke up before the alarm.  Ron and I went out to a BBQ buffet restaurant.  It was very good and they are very attentive.  We are pretty hard to forget so they said it was good to see us again. 

We had a good meal.  I focused on a lot of protein for both of us, with a taste of some sides, just a bite or two.  I did give Ron a fair amount of pineapple as he is very fond of it.  They have small portion desserts, not stingy but just a couple bites each, so you can try a couple for the same sugar as one standard size.  I did that.  Their flan, I think, is amazing.   A custard with a burnt sugar topping? 

I had unsweetened iced tea.  I have been craving tea as it's gotten hot out.  Unfortunately, one bad thing about living in the south: most of the tea is sweet.  If I'm going to consume a load of sugar I want to spend it on something fun, not tea.  But they had unsweet. 

Hopefully that will not bite me later, I had 3 big glasses for a total of about 510 mg caffeine.  I try to aim for "under 450".  We had a pretty good meal. 

We came home.  I sorted out my pay, I need to get a filling, ideally some new glasses, save some money for the vet visit.  The nice thing about the yearly visit, I have time to save up months in advance, so if they say "Torbie needs a $200 blood test" it's no big deal.  I only use credit in the most dire circumstances.  Everyone is doing well, though. 

Once I had all that allocated suddenly not as much in my pocket!  I did have some spending money, and some money to put in my account for online purchases, grocery delivery, etc.  I will go to the bank near my Walmart tomorrow, on the bus. 

Ron is fairly broke after paying me but had enough for cab fare home.  That'll work. 

I didn't do a formal workout but I ran around so much I made all my activity points and then some (87 out of 70).  I will do kettlebells tomorrow. 

I am definitely going to bed early. 

About my reply this morning (didn't post), I see it as my job to be a decent, loving, human being in spite of everything thrown at me. They may not have made good choices or sent me in a good direction, in Ron's case outright abuse - but I have a choice how I react.  I can choose to be nasty, bitter, vengeful, and hateful or I can choose to accept what is and be a wonderful person in spite of that.  I am tired of the whole bitterness routine. 

Today, for instance, they paged the guy who ran over Ron to report to a large sorting machine.  I had thought he retired.  I makes me sick to think of him out there living a great healthy life while Ron decays.  For a very long time I wanted to beat him with a metal pipe until he learned his lesson.  But that doesn't serve anything but the devil.  It didn't make me a better person.  It sure didn't make me happy.  It made me miserable. 

I have only found peace in accepting what is; that only God will show him just how much he made the both of us suffer.  I am done with the whole bitterness thing.  It doesn't serve my joy. 

I want to be a content person, happy if possible but if nothing else content with my little life, my cats, my blog, the few people I can count on who would never call me a fucking bitch.  I choose to enjoy Ron during his high points and avoid him during his bad ones. 

Recently he told me he woke up on the floor.  He laid there for a while reaching around, trying to ascertain where he'd fallen.  He felt the bedframe and realized he had fallen next to his bed.  He then hauled himself up and got into bed.  But it was a wakeup for him - at least at that moment in time he started to think he might have a problem with alcohol.  I will focus on that as an encouraging moment when he forgets and decides to order a case of vodka delivered. 

I can enjoy the positive points in the husband I do have, or I can hate him for what he has become.  I choose to focus on the positive, how cute he looks in bed with his cat curled up in the curve of his leg.  I can focus on his generosity with me, and others, instead of bitterly focusing on how much he wastes on alcohol.  This all seems pretty simple but it works for me. 

My moods are bad enough without dwelling on negatives. 


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for censoring your blog.

Anonymous said...

You are really living 1 Corinthians 4:12-13. Jesus took the abuse, too. Not because he was weak but because he had great power.

Melanie said...

Heather, I absolutely love McAllister’s tea, buy it by the gallon. Before I was dieting, I just drank the sweet tea. But dieting or not, it was a little too sweet for my taste. So I went half-sweet, half-non sweetened. The calories for a full glass of straight sweet tea were a lot (don’t remember right now), but even before I knew it was so many, I lost weight-a lot, very quickly (and no exercise, at least not in summer, when I can sweat in a freezing hospital room). When I switched to half-and- half, before I was even seriously dieting, I lost a lot of weight. When I cracked down on dieting (living on a lot of air-popped popcorn and macrobiotic Greek-style yogurt, salads and chicken salad (no onions, hate ‘em, and lots of pickle bits, sweet or dill or both together), I really dropped weight. I got small enough to not mind talking walks in the neighborhood park or on the beach (just not in the height of the summer season, or in the daytime-I haven’t deliberately tanned in over 30 years and it’s been very good to my skin and aging, thankfully my husband likes us pale girls lol).

McAllister’s tea is the best, so smooth, no acidity (I’ve been told that they put a pinch of baking powder in it for that. Tried it at home, my tea’s still nothing like as good as theirs). Maybe try their tea.

Also, just discovered a recently opened place near me, “Chicken Salad Chick” which serves up,a variety of chicken salad, egg salad, and pimento cheese scoops, amongst other things. Real “girls lunch” food. I LOVE chicken salad, (caveat, no onions), the fruity ones, the savory ones, they even have a dessert-ish one. And other salads, soup of the day, sandwiches, scoops, etc. I love the place. I always thought my chicken salad was perfect, no onions, lots of Holy Trinity (except onions, maybe a smidgen of green onion), lots of dill and sweet relish, just a little mayo, a little mustard, and hard boiled eggs. Chicken Salad Chick gets it right, especially as in they have so many varieties of chicken salad. I’ll be eating “food to go” from there all summer, and winter too, when I’ll start eating the soups.

Melanie said...

And they have an app, for pre-ordering, and a good rewards points system (already got the cup coozie, like a can holder, and a Tervis cup with their logo (love Tervis cups, already have some and the fitting lids and straws to them. Chick’s is cute, the design fits the “girl food” concept.

Melanie said...

It’s true, Heaher, bitterness and resentment will steal your life away from you, destroying your willingness and ability to find joy, amusement, even a moment for silly giggles at absurdity (and I love the absurd and ridiculous, sometimes just the...absurdity of absurdity makes me spew forth real laughs rather than the usual giggles it usually deserves, just because in that minute, I’m seeing the big picture, the absurdity of absurd things, and it gives me joy. Absurd, un-called-for (in context), joy. The joy’s probably my joy that I still have it in me to laugh, to be amused, to appreciate the absurd and foolish,

Heather Knits said...

I get enough "angry at God" crap at home, you think I want more? I try to be tolerant but that does not mean an auto-publish on everything. I post a lot of stuff that seems outright hateful from you and get flack from my OTHER readers for that. But I try to give a voice.

But you can always delete the bookmark. You will have a lot of fun with tonight's blog, though, if you stick around. And I will publish your "Ron would be better off dead" comment IF you keep the hate down to "low".

Melanie, I love finding great ready made food, and I loathe onions too. I am sitting here at home thinking I went to Walmart today and where is my dinner? I will have to figure something out, probably cereal again.

Once I get Ron off the floor, that is. He seems pretty happy there, glad I mopped the other day.