Saturday, June 15, 2019

3 AM Saturday

Some times my life is just so unspeakable I hardly know how to type it out.  Yet I do. 

I used to wish I had artistic talents like the rest of my family, my mother could draw, sing, play a piano.  Other family members could sing, draw, play instruments, create jewelry, etc. 

And here I am, writing.  I have to remind myself that writing is a valid artistic expression just like the rest. 

So last night was pretty rough, I had to literally haul Ron into bed on a couple of occasions.  He "wanted" to fall on the floor repeatedly and I kept him from that, stuffed him in bed, worried he was too close to the edge, tried to move him, couldn't, went to bed. 

Noise woke me up a couple of times last night, I couldn't sleep anyway.  I was glad I was awake when Biscuit started heaving in my bed, I got him onto the floor before he puked.  Then, later, I stepped in it.  On and off, never sleeping very well, waiting for the crash. 

I heard the wheelchair squeaking in the hall around 3.  I went to check on him, see if he needed help.  He wanted vodka.  I didn't help with that but strongly requested he finish quickly and go back to bed immediately, as he had fallen several times and I didn't want it to happen again. 

He acted all shocked "I didn't know I did that, of course I'll go right to bed."  I laid down again, much to Biscuit's disgust.  I'm supposed to feed him when I get up, not ignore him and go to bed. 

I also hid my medication in a place Ron will not find it and knock it over.

Ron did not go back to bed.  I went and got him and forcibly took him to bed.  I had some trouble shoving him into bed, he wasn't cooperating, so he is way down in the bed with his feet hanging off, but I moved him over enough that he shouldn't fall. 

After all that there was no going back to sleep.  I tried but it just isn't happening.  So I got up, dressed in my workout clothes, had a Diet Dr Pepper.  The cats are fine, I fed everyone, filled up their water fountain (one of them, I need to check on the other). 

I am dressed and ready to go for my workout.  I plan to take a shower and then do laundry once I complete my workout.  That will take some time. 

I can't imagine what sort of horrible programs are on at this hour.  The last time I checked this early it was some smug, fat, white guy going on about "planting your seed" (donating to his "ministry" and I use the term very loosely).  I uploaded some awesome cat photos for you to enjoy. 

Ron is snoring and Biscuit is asleep behind my chair.  Hopefully this day will get better. 

This is a problem for Ron, though, with more than 1-2 days off: he gets sloppy and drinks way more than he should.  I'm awake and half sober, let's get all the way drunk seems to be the policy.  Which creates a lot of wear and tear on me. 

He goes in this, in cycles.  I will be glad when this one is finished. 

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You’re a great writer, and it is indeed a gift. I feel voyeuristic reading, but your writing makes it interesting. I certainly would rather read your writing than the celebrity drivel on FB or Twatter or wherever they post it.