Friday, June 14, 2019

Most of Friday

I slept OK last night, praise God.  I even slept in a little, had some nightmares, woke up with a headache.  Easily fixed with a diet Mountain Dew. 

Until I find a drunken Ron in the kitchen muttering about foot pain.  I had to pour him back into bed.  He was very appreciative about it. He has stopped moaning for now. 

I will STILL do my workout, take a shower, and go out.  I will not stay home and nursemaid him everytime he has too much to drink.  That is impossible. 

I did get him to realize he can't get in the house on his own anymore.  We talked about that last night.  That came as a shock to him.  I believe he could get out if he had to, one reason I feel fine leaving him, [crash from Ron's room], at least when he's sober.  But getting in?  Impossible for him without assistance. 

That was a wakeup for him.  I have known this for a while.  He becomes more and more dependent every year. 

It bothers me that he will not take care of himself, minimal things like eating a salad.  Ideally doing some exercises like squats, which he could do, to maintain what he has. 

Oh, I thought I posted this. 

So, Ron was having a bad pain day.  He got very drunk and fell on the floor 2 x while I was home.  I felt like a monster but I had to get out of there, so I did. 

I did my workout, took my shower, and I should probably tell you about the workout.  I did fine during the first 2 exercises, but my knees didn't feel right during the third one so I skipped it.  I need to be functional, not injured.  Then I took my shower and got dressed. 

I had originally planned to leave the house, take the bus to Walmart and my bank, transact my business, and take a cab home.  Ron gave me the cab fare yesterday. 

So I left.  I had some guilt but what could I do?  He was going to drink himself stupid and fall on the floor pretty much all day, and nothing I could do to stop it "Because pain". 

When I have a migraine I just curl up in bed when I'm not vomiting. 

I tried calling my aunt, but went to voicemail.  I texted my adoptive Mom and told her what was going on, she said I did the right thing leaving. 

I had a pretty good wait at my local bus stop, a quick ride to the transit center, a longer wait on my connector bus.  When it pulled up two of the seats were wet with what?  I don't know.  I tried to warn people about it but one guy sat in it anyway, so I just shut up. 

A pretty long ride to the Walmart but we got there.  3 stops in the one block. 

I walked to the store, got a few "move minutes" out of that, used the toilet (not bad), and went to the bank to make my deposit.  After I finished that I went to the Walmart, got a cart.  It was a pretty uneventful shopping trip, no shakes, but they did have my Mountain Dew (I can't get either, delivered).  I didn't get any treats because we have plenty, and Ron was in no shape to talk on the phone, assuming the phone can even be found. 

I did remember to get some new socks.  I have a lot of mismatched socks, I am going to put them all in a tote bag and use them when I work out, just throw on any 2 socks (they are all white, ankle socks), then throw them in the wash when I'm done. 

Then I will have the "nice" matched socks in their own bag so they don't get confused, and I can wear those everywhere else.  They looked nice but I would have liked to try them on first.  I did get 2 packages. 

I got some diet Dr Pepper and some takeout food.  I figured Ron would want to eat at some point.  I have never seen him turn down a chicken strip.  I got myself a turkey sandwich, very similar to what we sell, and some potato wedges.  I only ate a few wedges.  I did eat the whole sandwich, which was pretty good and did remind me of work. 

I called Arturo and waited.  In the meantime, a woman with a huge pink flower in her hair was waiting next to me on the bench.   She was screaming into her telephone at what sounded like Yellow Cab dispatch.  She was being very rude and profane, they put her on hold.  Every time they came back she would scream at them but she did get the order in, for a cab. 

And one showed up.  Arturo has a distinctive cab so I knew it wasn't him.  The guy came up to me, I told him she was inside.  When he approached her she ran him off and told him to go to hell. 

She said, at one point "I don't want a paratransit" when I pointed out the cab.  So I'm not sure if she was confused, head injury, or high, but she was not thinking right. 

I got out my book and began reading, I took a chance and brought my Kindle.  I read about half a chapter before Arturo pulled up.  He is fast! 

I only had 2 bags, easy to load.  Then home.  I dreaded the approach, wondering what I would find when I got home. 

I opened the garage door, we put the bags inside.  He left and I closed the door.  Then I opened the door to the house and found Ron on the floor of the kitchen, curled up in a ball next to his wheelchair (wheelchair was upright). 

Just what I had dreaded.  But he was quiet and snoring so I left him alone, after I put the food in the fridge. 

I put away what I could and tried on my socks.  They should work nicely.  I am happy.  I will have to remember to buy more.  That's the problem I have, I find a sock I like and then they stop selling it because I didn't buy enough. 

I fed the cats and got undressed, laid down with Torbie.  I slept a little but not much.  Ron woke me up but is still asleep. 

I am debating going back to bed or not.  I think I will.  I feel exhausted. 

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