Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday afternoon

Not sure where I left off. 

I got dressed and took a 10 minute walk, came back.  Ron was still yelling in the back room.  I went out in the garage and did kettlebells for 20 minutes.  I did everything I had planned and made some VERY nice gains on my squat.  I think I could have done 25 pounds, but I ran out of room in my notebook (I like to write everything down).  I even did a couple half-Turkish-get-ups. 

I was happy.  Finished, I drank something, turned off my fitness tracker, and got to work assembling the small wire rack from Amazon.  It cost $25 delivered (with Prime).  3 shelves, very nice looking in the photo. 

I took everything out, glad I had some room to spread out, and took a look.  It was pretty much like the last wire rack I bought (for Bibles).  It has a clip for each leg, each shelf.  Each clip has two sides.  You secure them to the level you want (make sure all are on same level!), then slide the shelf onto the poles and firm it up. 

Same idea, except the poles were split into two halves.  You set up the bottom part, screw the top part, do the top part.  Easier.  I reminded myself that Luis the repairman, and our buddy Pete would both love to help me with this if I needed help. 

And, how hard could it be? 

Not bad, as it turns out.  I had it together in less than half an hour and I set it up. 

Room for all my kettlebells and my bodybuilding books.  Great. 

I went back in the house and talked to Ron, who was drunk.  I told him I was planning to go to Walmart to pick up his pills.  He got very upset and shouted at me not to go, I would waste money, he was a poor man, etc. 

This from a guy who handed out a $40 tip to a waitress last week.  I told him OK and let it drop. 

I took a shower, when I came out he was scooting himself down the hall in his wheelchair, after more alcohol.  I gave him a couple minutes and offered to take him back to bed, he said no.  OK. 

He was unable to stand by the time he did let me take him back, and I had to "save" him from falling out of bed.  He was pretty ugly about me touching him. 

"Did you want to fall?" I asked him.  He mumbled no.  "Then what's the problem?" 

I watched a little TV, totally depressed, and decided I would not listen to Ron the next time he "forbade" me to go out.  I had a protein shake and some yogurt, took my pills. 

When my hair was reasonably dry, I laid down for a nap.  Ron was making a fair amount of noise shouting gibberish.  I tried telling him I was taking a nap, sometimes that snaps him out of it and he's quiet.  Not today. 

But I had Torbie and I focused on petting her, told myself I would just lie down for a while and if I slept, great.  I had set an alarm for later. 

I was thrilled to feel Biscuit join us in bed, but baffled why Torbie permits him, but not Baby Girl, in the bed.  Baby Girl had hogged my computer chair most of the morning and part of the afternoon, so inexpressably cute I just couldn't evict her. 

I heard a couple of crashes and figured Ron had fallen out of bed.  I was right.  So much for that.  At least I found his phone on the floor and saved it. 

I got up when I felt a headache brewing and had a caffeine drink.  That helped some but my whole head feels tight, pretty sure that is just my day and not anything organic. 

A little paratransit lore: you have up to 2 hours before the trip, to cancel it.  I took a hard look at Ron about 10 minutes before the cutoff and decided there was no way he would be fit to travel.  He is literally lying on the floor in the fetal position wearing his underwear.  At least I got rid of the litter box. 

Ron doesn't like me touching his trips but he cannot travel, so I cancelled both rides.  I don't regret it, it would be nothing but drama and I don't need that.  If he gets upset, he gets upset.  He can shout at me for a while but truth is he was too drunk to ride.  And I asked him if he wanted the trip. 

So here I am with Ron on the floor again.  He doesn't want his medication today.  He would, apparently, rather drink. 

He was snoring a while back so he is apparently comfortable.  I am going to go out in the garage and assemble my other rack, get that done today.  Put all my crap on it - our crap really because some of it is Ron's.  I have the homecare stuff on the south side of the garage, the racks are going on the north side.  I will have to see if I need another rack at the end of this. 

But I got the first rack so I am confident I can do the second.  It will take my mind off my troubles.  I hope you never experience what it is like to tend a very disabled alcoholic with chronic pain issues and severe depression.  It is pretty miserable.  I wouldn't wish it on anyone. 

When he is sober, Ron is pretty appreciative.  He is not stupid and knows he has a good life with me in it.  I'm gone, it's a nursing home.   No cat, no business, no house, no money, no fun.  Just maybe a talking book once a week and a TV with basic cable.  He's depressed now!

Anyway, I am going to do what I can and that is organize the garage.  I can do that today.  Ron was complaining about his floor so I will work on that when he is back in bed and awake.  My deposit cleared yesterday so I can do fun things like buy online, grocery delivery, etc. 

I may make a Chewy order and get Biscuit another big bag of Urinary SO.  I like to have a good inventory on hand.  It would likely kill him to eat standard cat food.  And of course some more of his special treats.  We both like giving him those (just a few). 

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