Saturday, June 15, 2019

11 PM update

Ron is reasonably sober and a decent guy, sweet, got to bed with some help.  I like this guy, I want to keep him.  Sadly I don't get to. 

He asked me if I heard "mexican music".  I said yes, it is probably #19. I would have to get dressed and go hunt down the miscreant, then call the police.  Easier just to suck it up. 

He doesn't want anything to eat or drink.  Biscuit was thrilled I got up so I fed him a small snack.  Then Baby Girl wanted to eat.  I gave her something, too. 

They can't tell time.  If I'm lying down and it's dark, I get up and turn the lights on, it is feeding time.  That's how they work.  Torbie wasn't hungry. 

Torbie was awesome in bed with me earlier, laying on me, strong purrs, let me give her a little hug and lay my head by her.  It was wonderful.  She is such a gift. 

My headache is pretty persistent, enough that I drank a cold soda when I got up (the last) and then put more in the fridge.  It is nice hearing Ron talk to the cats in a reasonable manner.  Hopefully "we" are off the bender.  I plan to stay on the computer for a little bit yet and then go to bed. 

At least now I don't have to worry about him yelling for me and waking me up. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

This is the cycle of abuse. You do need help, this is not a normal or healthy way to live

The tide goes out and then It comes back full fury. Worse even.

I am so sorry you feel you have to live with the breadcrumbs of “good behavior” as the only break from an otherwise cruel life.

Heather you did not earn this in any way shape or form. You should not have to drag your husband into his bed while he is drooling all over you front the toxic amounts of alcohol he takes in . People drool when they are poisoned. Alcohol hurts every single cell in the human body. I am listening to a drunk puking in my ally right now ( urban life in an apartment above a bar) .
You are an amazing woman with such incredible insight on so many levels.
I do have empathy for you, I get why you are staying... because I stayed for a “lifetime” . The only difference was my husband binge rampaged like a narcissistic drunk with out alcohol. And he literally never passed out, he slept but just to fuel his rampaging.
My heart hopes after a few days of missed posts ...that I come back and read that you will just pack up the kitties and go . I can not help but have emotions about your parents I will say no more it is not my place to judge them. If your aunt is reading then she has to know you are at a crisis point.
I know there is a better life but right now I also know you are trying your hardest to live your best life under the circumstances. So cheers to a healthier life and a good work out ! Today I am walking and biking. I have a laminated schedule I TRY” to follow
Much love Healther