Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Worst Day of My Life

Tonight Ron reminded me of the worst day of my life.

It was not when he told me about the affair.

It was not the night he got drunk and beat me up.

It was not any night he had a blackout.

It was not the day I married him.  (shame on you! LOL)

It was not the day of his accident, or any of the other medical drama days since.

It was not any day or night, I had a suicidal depression.

It wasn't any night I couldn't sleep due to hallucinations and paranoia.

It wasn't any time I was so manic I spent my whole paycheck in one day.

It was the day he had his molar pulled.

We had just started the business.  Some things I can't talk about, so I'll work around it.

Ron is very busy and involved in the business.  We are living off my pay, which isn't much, especially when you consider we had to take a cab or bus everywhere.

One day, Ron woke up in extraordinary pain.  He had molar pain, on the upper left side.  We called 1-800-dentist, may they rot in hell.

They "referred" us to a dentist who "took payments", in a very bad part of town and very far away, too.  We spent about $40 just to go one way in the cab, Ron groaning the whole way.

We got there and they did the X-rays.  "It's a root canal, it will cost over a thousand dollars".
"We can't afford that".
"We have a credit program, sign up and fill out the credit application, and we'll see if they'll approve you."
"We don't want to do that, they said you take payments".
"No, we do the credit program.  If you don't want to do the credit program we can't help you."
[Now is the time to tell you they were members of a dental discount group, offering same-day discounts on sign-up.  The $1,000+ root canal would have run about $700, something we could have afforded]
"Well" Ron sadly replied "I guess you'll have to pull it".

And that, friends, was the worst day of my life, hearing Ron having his tooth pulled, unable to do anything, and listening to him lament the loss of his tooth afterward "It fought hard, Heather, it didn't want to come out!".

Worst day, hands down, of my life.

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