Monday, October 22, 2012

"Repair Garage Door"

Sometimes, I hate to check the mail.

Today, we got a property tax bill and a letter from the homeowner's association.  They want us to "repair garage door".

The garage door is fine.   I'm baffled.  I don't know what they want us to do.  Ron called and they acted like "You know what's wrong, you're just playing dumb".  No, we're not.  The door is fine.  The only thing that appears new, a small area of new white paint on the white garage door.  I'm guessing one of the kids from next door did something and their Dad painted it over.

Or, it could have been there for a while.  I am not always very observant.

Pete fixed the trim, he says it needs to be caulked and another coat of paint.  Maybe that's what they want, another coat of paint on the trim.  [shrug]  We'll see.  In the meantime, the door looks fine to me.

Ron had called the HOA about the new people across the street, their very loud music, and the guys hanging out in their driveway wearing gang colors.  Ron asked if the association could mail a letter reminding them to keep the music down.  They said they would.  Maybe this is their way of "punishing" us for "bothering" them.  I don't know.

I do know they are nice and quiet now.  Sometimes, people just don't know how to live in a nice neighborhood, and that also applies to me.  When I get over this migraine I need to mow the backyard, get rid of weed trees and all, but that's all behind a privacy fence.  I'll mow the front, even though it's fine, and weed whack the driveway.

I just hate being told to fix a problem, when the door is fine.

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